Traded the spark EV straight up for a 500e. The idea had been brewing in my head since the start of the year and with my commute being 10mi longer (translate: I'm driving and charging more frequently), the 3.3kw onboard charger became a big distraction. I didn't think it would be a big deal for the past year and had convinced myself that charging would be a non-issue since it'll be plugged in at night anyway, but then faced with the realization that between work and the 8-9hr charging time, there wouldn't be any time left in the day to run errands or have any plans. I'm at the mercy of the car until it's a full charge.
I was actually considering the 500e when I was shopping for the spark but the price-value just wasn't there at the time (msrp wise). With so many return leases going for $7-8k for under 10k mi, it was just too good of a deal to pass up. My spark was a 2016 with 7k mi and the 500e I traded for was a 2015 with 9k mi. I will miss the bigger cargo space in the spark ev, but going from 3.3kw to 6.6kw for the same price with the added parking sensor, rearview dimming mirror and -believe it or not- padded door armrest, were ALL a huge plus! I had to jump on this before everyone and their mom start getting one and driving up the demand/price. Hopefully I'll get to do this all over again in 3yrs when ppl are tired of their Bolt!
I was actually considering the 500e when I was shopping for the spark but the price-value just wasn't there at the time (msrp wise). With so many return leases going for $7-8k for under 10k mi, it was just too good of a deal to pass up. My spark was a 2016 with 7k mi and the 500e I traded for was a 2015 with 9k mi. I will miss the bigger cargo space in the spark ev, but going from 3.3kw to 6.6kw for the same price with the added parking sensor, rearview dimming mirror and -believe it or not- padded door armrest, were ALL a huge plus! I had to jump on this before everyone and their mom start getting one and driving up the demand/price. Hopefully I'll get to do this all over again in 3yrs when ppl are tired of their Bolt!