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  1. K

    Help programming RKE transmitter for 2016

    I'm sincerely sorry I did not see your post. I was away from the forums for a while and missed the email notification. It's likely that you've already answered these questions for yourself. Honestly, it was kind of a blur. The software to that special adapter (EZ Installer) is quirky. Yes, it...
  2. K

    Programmed a key fob myself.

    @seagal64 I'm glad someone else went through this process too. I ended up using the same adapter in Sept 2023. It works but during the process ... it can be hard to know what it's doing and what you need to do next. I documented the process with links here. Good luck to anyone trying to find a...
  3. K

    Help programming RKE transmitter for 2016

    Sorry for the dead thread revival but I thought this was important to share my experience. Especially since there appears to be no normal solution to this. TL;DR I got this to add my 3rd key fob and it worked: It's called the Universal EZ Installer and...