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  1. P

    Considering a 2016 Spark EV as a new daily driver

    Do realize, you will still lose range, even if you preheat while plugged in. Especially if you are charging the car from 110V, and especially at 8 Amps, you have not quite 1 kW coming in, but are consuming possibly 5 to 6 kW in heat. Don't preheat any longer than needed.
  2. P

    All the way to zero?

    Has anyone actually run their Spark EV all the way to zero miles, i.e., actually to the point where the car will no longer drive? If so, can you describe the sequence of events in detail? I've come close, experienced the scheduled power reduction, even the (comical) "automatically turning off...
  3. P

    Touch Screen problems

    I seem to have a new problem with the touch screen on my 2015 Spark EV LT2. Say, I'm listening to the radio. Suddenly, I'll hear a little beep. Then again. And again. Sometimes several. I'll look down at the display, and it seems like I'm getting phantom touchscreen button presses. In...
  4. P

    Battery failure dealer buyback?

    If I could get a new battery for free in my Spark, I'd turn handsprings! But if I were just going to sell it anyway, I'd consider their offer (if it were high enough). Unless you want the good karma of returning it back into the fleet:)
  5. P

    Considering a 2016 Spark EV as a new daily driver

    What about your other driving? A Spark EV will definitely serve you well, even for a daily driver, but for your only car? In Fargo, ND? Just be aware, you'll be taking mass transit (in Fargo ND?) or renting a car to go pretty much anywhere out of range. Our Spark is our 4th car with three...
  6. P

    Checking battery on used '14--large discrepancy between guess-o-meter and the calculation method

    I don't know the exact algorithm for the guess-o-meter (does anyone here?), but I think you'd have to go through quite a number of charging cycles before it even then only approximated your range based on a rolling average of past driving. You could record the mi/kWh and/or actual kWh used for...
  7. P

    California HOV Sticker Removal

    I'm curious. Did you test this on an inconspicuous part of the car? How long did you leave it on? I didn't think of acetone, but think it might work better than the alternatives mentioned. On the other hand, it's VERY aggressive. I once tried it to remove dried paint from a silkscreen, and it...
  8. P

    Problems with DC fast charging

    I've also had good luck with Chargepoint chargers, also some (but not all) "generic" ones. You may know this already, but there's a service bulletin for a mod to the Spark's charging port that will help in some instances. See...
  9. P

    Problems with DC fast charging

    OK, so I've been waiting and waiting for a nearby installation of a free public DC fast charger nearby on the way to work. It's finally complete and unveiled a few months ago. Yay! But... here's the problem. I connect my 2015 Spark EV. The charge cycle begins normally, then immediately...
  10. P

    Scraping / squealing sound

    Turns out it's a frozen caliper slide pin. Now I need rear brakes and rotors too:(
  11. P

    Door Unlocks then Immediately Locks Automatically

    By any chance did you happen to notice (or maybe have the the right service manuals to confirm), if it's possible to remove the switch panel that holds the power window switch without removing the entire door panel? See my post...
  12. P

    Scraping / squealing sound

    Thanks for the suggestions. I did consider the emergency brake, but to be honest, I never put it on, so I figured it's less likely to be the issue. Also, I'm curious. I checked at Tire Rack, and the friction brake parts seem to be the same as the ICE Spark. Is that really the case? Sometimes...
  13. P

    Scraping / squealing sound

    Coming up on almost three years now, and my first real problem. My 2015 Spark EV LT2 with around 52k miles now makes this metallic scraping sound. It's worse at very slow speeds. You don't hear it at normal driving speeds; it might be being masked by road noise, but it seems to actually be...
  14. P

    Excessive Tire Wear, Erroneous Mileage Prediction

    You should consider yourself lucky. When I bought my 2015 Spark with 34k miles, the SECOND set of front tires was already shot (the rear tires were like new). Consider this, it's front wheel drive, plus, with regenerative braking, nearly all of the braking is from the front tires. On top of...
  15. P

    Help programming RKE transmitter for 2016

    You can find the 2026 Spark EV owners' manual here: You can select pretty much any Chevy manual there. (this used to be a sticky post?)