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  1. B

    Battery Degradation vs Battery Limited Warranty

    On TorquePro's website they say it will run on any android platform and show it running on a Nexus S. Beyond that I have no idea. Always been an android guy, not a Mac person. My phone is a Galaxy 7 Edge. If your Nexus won't run it you can always get an Android tablet to run it on.
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    Battery Degradation vs Battery Limited Warranty

    Hi MrDr.Morgan, You need to get an OBDII, reader to plug into your Spark diagnostic port (located under the dash on the drivers side). The one I have is a wireless bluetooth model ( Then...
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    Battery Degradation vs Battery Limited Warranty

    Hi All, Just wanted to share some info. Those of you using torque pro to monitor your Spark, there are Bolt PIDS available now, instead of using VOLT PIDS. Here is a link: I installed the...
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    Just hit 50,000 miles still good range and 0 maitanance

    Well, just shy of 50K here (47,000) with no real issues to report, no maintenance (while I have owned it), just lots of fun driving!!
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    Get Spark to go 100 miles?

    Actually I haven't notice any real change in ride. However the road noise increased markedly!! Also I use cruise control and drive in D on the freeway. At 55 I see 10-11kw consumption on the display on level ground with no headwind, though my Spark is a 2014 with the taller gearing.
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    Get Spark to go 100 miles?

    Try increasing your tire pressure. I went to 45 psi and am able to get 5 miles/kw @ 55mph on the freeway. Best before was 4 miles/kw at the same speed. More tire pressure = less rolling resistance. You could also try drafting semi's if your feeling adventurous/lucky.
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    How far away is the nearest level 3 charger to you?

    Nearest L3 charger is 5 miles (Greenlots 50KW), with 5 more scattered around the city, 8+ Evgo chargers too, however I try not to use them unless absolutely needed as Greenlots is $.23/KW with no time limit, vs Evgo's charges/limits.
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    2015 Spark EV Battery Capacity from GDS2

    When I DCFC to 100% in my 2014 Spark, it will reset the energy screen and flash the green LED, if you let it. The indicator on the DIC and fast charger will show 100% charge, however it takes a few more minutes (5 or so) of charging at 1-3 KW to allow the batteries to equalize and reach true...
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    Future battery replacement

    I got to meet Jehu, Eric and see touch, explore the Phoenix car when it was in Sacramento. There's a brief shot of me at the 6:57 mark. Had a great 4 hrs hanging out with them and making new friends with my Spark EV. Keith
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    Power Needs of Battery Management System?

    Well I was going to post a pic I took on the power management screen showing 3% usage for TMS, but it seems one can't post pictures from a PC directly, only via a BBS. So, no pic. :evil: :roll:
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    Catastrophic Failure - Spark EV died on Freeway

    Keeping my fingers crossed it was a hickup. Our cars are rolling computers and we know how often they crash, lock up, etc. Of course I wouldn't mind a new battery on GM :P , but not the lost time without the car and the headache of getting them to warranty it :? .
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    Catastrophic Failure - Spark EV died on Freeway

    Well, my 2014 Spark did something similar the other day. Went to go home from work and it displayed reduced propulsion power and wouldn't go. Tried turning it off and on and it wouldn't turn off!! After many failed attempts I got out of the car. The car honked 3 times telling me I forgot it on...
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    Grapevine question

    Thanks for the tip about the dielectric grease!! Gon'a get me a tube and lube the :lol: The charger I use most frequently, only 2 miles from home, is in Citrus Heights off Antelope Rd and Hwy 80. It's a SMUD and Chevy Bolt sponsored charger run by Greenlots. I see 45KW to 80%...
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    Grapevine question

    Thanks for the detailed drive report on getting to Tahoe via Hwy 50! I have signed up for Evgo, Chargepoint, Greenlots and plugshare, first thing I did after my car purchase. Good to hear they are planning the chargers on I5, that will make the LA trip a reality. Hope they go in soon. My trip...
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    Grapevine question

    Thanks for the report on the trip to Tahoe, was wondering if one could make that trip up with out running out of juice, good to hear I can. What speed were you able to make on that trip? Just getting ready to head out on a jaunt up to Yuba City and back, will give a report when I get back how...
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    Grapevine question

    Hi MrDRMorgan, Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I was afraid of that, the distance from Bakersfield to Castaic Corners (AKA Santa Clarita) is on the extreme edge of Spark EV range with the massive climb involved. I am hopping a CCS charger goes in at Gorman (there is a CHADEMO only charger there, or...
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    Grapevine question

    Has anyone made the trip from the fast charger in Bakersfield to the charger in Santa Clarita in one shot? I am thinking of taking a trip south and that looks like the only hurdle to getting to LA.