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  1. G


    It's not bad if that's what you want to do. The problem is that most people use a car to get them quickly and conveniently to their destination. People who wish to 'see the countryside' can do so far better on foot or on a bicycle than they can from inside a car. Most parks, especially...
  2. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    Which was rather my point. Virtually all Spark owners in the U.S. don't care how many CCS-2, CHAdeMO, Tesla, GB or any other chargers may or may not be present in China, Finland, or Australia, because their cars will never travel to any of those countries or their continents - the number of...
  3. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    For those who might care, CCS-2 chargers in Europe have now exceeded 800 (801 as of 3/10): What possible relevance the number of chargers of this or that type in Europe or anywhere else outside of North America has to the typical...
  4. G

    Found a friend at CSUF

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I love the license plate and frame :D
  5. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    At the moment, in the two states that the Spark is sold in (with Maryland coming soon if not already) I'd say the CCS infrastructure is already healthier in California than CHAdeMO, both because of the car/charger ratio and because so many of the early CHAdeMOs were put in at dealers or in other...
  6. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    As of now, Plugshare: is showing 145 CCS-1 in North America, 11 of which are in Canada. California has 74, concentrated in the SF Bay, L.A. , and San Diego areas plus a couple along the Bay-Sacramento I-80 corridor, and two in the San Joaquin Valley. Clusters have...
  7. G


    ISTM that it's going to be near impossible to convince the state of California to do this in any case, when VW/BMW have said that they're going to install dual-standard chargers every 50 miles, and eVgo has already installed and is installing dual-standard chargers in the major urban areas plus...
  8. G


    Tony, I sort of think eVgo is Phase 1, with VW/BMW/Nissan being Phase 2. Where does this slot in, on top of those, or parallel to them? ISTM the main thing is to ensure that we get at least two dual-standard chargers per site, rather than repeating the failed single QC model that everyone...
  9. G


    Tony, I like your list, but feel it's incomplete. Let's include those routes that people are more likely to take weekend trips on, rather than concentrating on long distance through routes. You've got 80 to Reno, but not 50 let alone 88/4/108, and no way to get to Yosemite via 120/140/41, or...
  10. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    Seems so, but we'll have to see how well they follow through.
  11. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    You must have missed some of the details, Tony. Here's what Brendan Jones (Nissan's Director of EV Sales and Infrastructure Deployment) said, per the NYT: Seems pretty...
  12. G

    My take on all the EV's I've test driven...

    I agree that the Spark's digital dash display presentation is one of the very few I actually liked and wouldn't mind living with. They do, but the space is just too small if you need to carry stuff, especially with the seats up. It's a matter of height, or rather the lack of it. <snip rest>
  13. G

    Anyone try the VW eGolf?

    On both of the Subies I've owned, I got the optional extended (taller) center armrest/cubbyhole, to raise it to a position where my arm can naturally rest on it. As for the left arm, the first one seemed to be okay at the top of the door (base of the window), and the current one has an armrest...
  14. G

    Anyone try the VW eGolf?

    As my previous post indicates I'm no fan of touch screens either, but I'm generally more concerned with HVAC controls than entertainment systems, which I can always take more time to use. However, an actual push/twist on/off/volume switch is a must for me, whatever other digital silliness is...
  15. G

    One year in...

    IIRR you opted not to get the CCS package, as there weren't any near you at the time. Now that there are four in Marin County plus many others in the rest of the Bay Area, I wondered if you regretted not getting it, or if you only use the car on trips where it wouldn't matter?
  16. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    This is pretty much exactly what eVgo has been doing with their already existing Freedom stations, adding a dual standard charger to the existing CHAdeMO-only one. They apparently have the capital to do so (and are required to by the terms of the settlement). From this point out, I think we'll...
  17. G

    Anyone try the VW eGolf?

    I've looked at both (but didn't drive the e-Golf). As stated, the e-Golf has a lot more room - I had to slide the driver's seat forward from the aft stop to position it correctly for me, whereas every Asian car I've driven or owned for the past 27 years has been at the aftmost position, with me...
  18. G

    Chevrolet Spark EV to go on sale in Maryland this Spring

    It sounds as if you got a halfway knowledgeable sales person for a change. Still gets some of the details wrong, but it's better than the usual totally clueless ones. He's right about the likely difference in miles freeway vs. street, but mostly wrong about the reasons. The 2015 has a...
  19. G

    Chevrolet Spark EV to go on sale in Maryland this Spring

    Via GCC: Boston to D.C. along the I-95 corridor to start, plus Portland - L.A. Dealers will also be getting them.
  20. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    Plugshare is currently showing 81 CCS-1 in North America. Of that total, 10 are in Canada (Quebec + 1 in Ontario), 52 in California, and Oregon remains stuck at 7. Note that I've not gone to the trouble of clicking on every one of the icons to see if they are really operational and not someone...