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  1. G

    Thinking about the spark for a crazy commute- bad idea?

    The Volt would have been an option but isn't (currently) any more, as the green single occupant HOV lane stickers ran out last month, and no PHEV qualifies for the white stickers which are still available in unlimited numbers. The OP said the HOV lane stickers are a consideration for her (with...
  2. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    This forum like most has a 'Foes' list, accessible from the User Control Panel. If you wish not to see posts from a particular member, then just put them on your 'Foes' list.
  3. G

    Thinking about the spark for a crazy commute- bad idea?

    OBTW, there's another option for the OP since they'll be in Irvine, and at about the same price as the RAV4. If you want to be on the EV cutting edge, then you could lease a Hyundai Tucson FCEV for $3k down, $500/month for 36 months. Free fuel up to 12k miles a year and Valet maintenance, but...
  4. G

    List of known SAE combo plug quick charge stations

    I 'd written a post about this is the past few days, but it seems to be one of the several that disappeared, so here it is again. On Plugshare the CCS icon listed as 'coming soon' at Weatherford BMW in Berkeley has disappeared. I don't know whether they changed their minds or else this is a...
  5. G

    DC fast charging

    Because it's bad PR that will affect sales of their own cars. After all, if you're considering an e-Golf and VW can't even keep the QC at their own prominent Electronics Research Laboratory in Silicon Valley functioning, what conclusions are you likely to draw about the probable reliability of...
  6. G

    Thinking about the spark for a crazy commute- bad idea?

    Tony, unless they've changed it IIRR the Fit EV lease only includes collision insurance, not full coverage. You pay for everything other than collision. Still a deal, but unless you've been on waiting lists at multiple dealers for a year or so, your odds of getting a Fit EV are essentially zilch.
  7. G

    Thinking about the spark for a crazy commute- bad idea?

    With L2 charging at both ends you could definitely make a Spark work, but I think there's a better option. Since you asked, although it's significantly more expensive I'd seriously think about a RAV4 for your commute. AFAIK they're still offering them with unlimited mileage leases AND you can...
  8. G

    My first DC Fast Charging Experience + incessant bickering

    Nope, there are thousands of CHAdeMo chargers in Japan, just as Tony wrote. CHAdeMO and the other DC QC standards have the charger in the off-board equipment, and bypass the OBC. L1 and L2 are EVSEs, because they just supply electricity to the on-board charger. Everyone chant after me, L1 and...
  9. G

    DC fast charging

    Judging by the comments it's very hit or miss. Someone managed to charge from the CCS side last week, but neglected to say what car. At least a couple of i3 owners have identified themselves and said they couldn't charge, and there are reports of Sparks failing too. VW needs to fix this, and...
  10. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    Of course, Toyota never made a profit on the first generation of the Prius either, nor did they expect to. Same as Chevy expected and stated would be the case before the first gen Volt ever went into production. It's just the price of introducing new tech. Excellent. I was hoping you would...
  11. G

    List of known SAE combo plug quick charge stations

    Thanks, the Plugshare comments were a bit ambiguous as to whether or not it was operational yet. I'd been wondering why the first one is so far out from Portland, as you can't get to it without an intermediate charger, but it seems they probably have others underway that are closer in. Do you...
  12. G

    My first DC Fast Charging Experience + incessant bickering

    Agreed. So why all the bitching and moaning about different standards, when you know that it's not going to change anything? In the U.S. I'd say it's had just the opposite effect. Nissan was doing almost nothing to support CHAdeMO here, until Tesla started embarrassing them with the SC...
  13. G

    Which charger to choose?

    Yes, any RV park that lists '50 amp', that's a 240V circuit using a NEMA 14-50 receptacle. They almost never know that the 20 or 30 and 50 amp circuits use different voltages, so just ask if they have 50 amp hookups. If they do, you can be sure it's 240V (and if they only have 20 or 30 amp...
  14. G

    My first DC Fast Charging Experience + incessant bickering

    Close to home? How do you figure, since I don't own any kind of EV and thus have no direct stake in any of the standards? I've said before that I think it's too early to worry about standardization when the number of PEVs is so small, and when many of the standards will be quickly outmoded in...
  15. G

    List of known SAE combo plug quick charge stations

    The first CCS in Oregon is now under construction, or maybe operational. It's in Arlington, near the junction of I-84 and S.R. 19 (John Day Highway). See Plugshare for details. Arlington is 136 miles east of Portland, so they'll need at least one more location in between. Hood River, 62...
  16. G

    Did a bunch of posts get wiped recently?

    I think one of mine disappeared as well, replying to cwerdna's question about whether the NRG timer for CCS had kicked in and before Tony did. But I'm not sure that it ever got posted in the first place.
  17. G

    My first DC Fast Charging Experience + incessant bickering

    Oh, boy, I guess all those Chinese consumers are going to be even more confused when they have GB/T on their cars. Tony, perhaps you should direct your outrage against the Chinese government, as they are insisting on introducing yet another QC standard, and in the world's largest car market no...
  18. G

    My first DC Fast Charging Experience + incessant bickering

    Per the owner's manual, pg. 9-37: "The vehicle is designed to take full advantage of a 50kW DC charger to obtain optimal charging times. When the vehicle is connected to a charger larger than 50kW, the vehicle will not charge any quicker." The first source I found on the battery pack's voltage...
  19. G

    DC FastCharger...Can I get mine installed ALREADY?

  20. G

    List of known SAE combo plug quick charge stations

    Well, 10 actual plus three planned. Still a lot faster than CHAdeMO's initial pace in the US.