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  1. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    Sure, there are lots of other reasons to 'go clean and electric'. The question is, does the 99.4% of the driving population who haven't got a PEV consider those reasons important enough to buy the cars at their current price, without subsidies, and without being forced to? With the probable...
  2. G

    Trying to decide between Spark (DC/3.3kw) and Focus (6.6kw)

    Sounds like you already understand the tradeoffs, so only you can decide which is more important. If you're considering a Focus because you're not into a LEAF, have you considered waiting for a Kia Soul EV? That will give you 6.6 + CHAdeMO, although you won't have the liquid-cooled TMS of the...
  3. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    Uh, no, that wasn't my point (but you knew that ;)). My point was that we've been driving ICE-electric hybrids for over a century now, with the amount of electrification increasing in each generation, until it's not only used for the most basic requirements like starting, ignition and...
  4. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    You definitely are confused (as are many others, along with those who are willfully ignorant), as FCEVs are part of the 'electrification of the automotive industry'. See the 'EV' following 'FC'? Of course, cars have been 'electrified' to some extent or other for more than 100 years, at least...
  5. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    On the contrary, we've never said that GM isn't making profits on their cars, we've said that they aren't making any profit on specific cars. Or do you believe that they're turning a profit on the ELR, given its sales to date and the approximately 2 years worth of ELRs (at the current sales...
  6. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    The small profit margins referred to above are on compact cars that are sold in volumes one or more orders of magnitude greater than compliance BEVs. GM has also said they've yet to make a profit on the Volt, which is easily understandable given its high R&D and tooling costs and the fact that...
  7. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    The other possible way that they are maintaining the range while going to a smaller capacity pack is the change to the transmission ratio. This (along with the small decrease in weight) will help the city range, at least on the EPA tests, but will almost certainly decrease the highway range...
  8. G

    2015 Spark no longer 21-kWh and now 19 ???

    The conclusion to draw from this announcement is that GM is willing to access a greater % of the new battery's total capacity than they were before, as they say the range will be unchanged. That brings up questions about the longevity of the battery. I've been very happy with GM's decision to...
  9. G

    Fast DC chargers in SFO Bay Area

    For some reason, as of yesterday Plugshare isn't showing any SAE Combos in the entire country. It was bad enough that they had them listed under 'Public Stations' instead of 'High Power Stations', but now they've disappeared completely. I've sent them an email, but judging by Plugshare's...
  10. G

    BMW i3

    I would expect the Spark to sell proportionately better in Canada than the LEAF. Having a TMS that will cool and _heat_ a battery should make the Spark's range considerably better in winter conditions, even though its LiFePO4 chemistry is more affected by cold temps. I'm still amazed that...
  11. G

    BMW i3

    I don't remember offhand if the i3 has more usable battery than the Spark or not, but the lighter weight will mainly benefit it in urban driving. At constant freeway speeds drag is more important.
  12. G

    DC fast charging: J1772 CCS vs CHAdeMO vs Supercharger, etc.

    Putting them at dealers is better than nothing, but I'm pulling for other locations. I hope they'll be available 24/7, but am not holding my breath. Still, BMW is putting some money out, and that's good. The one in San Rafael near the west end of the bridge will be very useful for west Marin...
  13. G

    Batteries VS Fuel

    From about the same time, said to Hiram Maxim IIRR, possibly by Albert Pope but I forget: When talking about why BEVs were superior to ICEs, "You can't get people to sit on top of explosions," or words to that effect. And there were lots of EV enthusiasts from the same era who blustered til...
  14. G

    Batteries VS Fuel

    Uh huh, you can attach far more lithium ions to each Si or S atom than is possible with the current Carbon anodes. For a popular account of what's happening in Li-Si, Li-S and Lithium-air (such as IBM's 'Battery 500' program) as of 2011, see "Bottled Lightning: Superbatteries, Electric Cars and...
  15. G

    CHAdeMO Terra 53 Fast Charger in Northern Ca

    Oh, Tony! I feel just awful about your dilemma! :roll: ;) Whichever you choose, or buy the expensive adapter that Tesla will undoubtedly offer. But for those of us who are considering cars costing under $30k instead of $70k+, how many of you foresee any likelihood of ever shipping your...
  16. G

    Public charging networks

    Then, why no dismay about Tesla? It's way too early for there to be a single standard chosen, much as that might make things easier for owners. Nor is there any driving need to do so, as the number of both PEVs and quick chargers remains so small, distribution so limited and (except for...
  17. G

    Public charging networks

    Excellent. It seems that the trigger has been released and the clock is ticking (is that enough mixed metaphors?), and the six months is counting down. We'll need to keep an eye on evGo to make sure they meet the timetable.
  18. G

    CHAdeMO Terra 53 Fast Charger in Northern Ca

    Seems like you're just confirming what he said. 9 U.S. CHAdeMO after one year, versus 7 U.S. Combo in 5 months, and for only a single car model (soon to be two and then three) that's sold fewer cars, so higher Combo ratio per car. Whether or not the Spark is ever sold in Az. and Tn., the i3...
  19. G

    GM needs to bring more to the table for EV's

    Agree on the charger, but vehemently disagree on putting QCs at dealers. Absolutely the wrong place, as they're out of the way, often blocked, and usually only available during business hours. Nissan is finally starting to put them at other locations. No reason why GM should make the same...