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  1. S

    Spark does not start this morning

    OK, so the 12 volt battery was discharged (explains the weird behavior). Now on to figuring out if the battery has gone bad, or if the 12 V charging system is bad (or both) Charging the battery to see if it holds the charge and if the car starts with it charged...
  2. S

    Spark does not start this morning

    OK, SO bad day for a dead car... I start the spark this morning fully charged, but when I shift to move nothing happens. Try to turn it off, and it keeps reinitializing and restarting. I eventually can get it to shutdown by powering off a second time The service light soon (car with exclamation...
  3. S

    New-to-me 2015 Spark EV owner questions

    First read whole thread below that will answer most of your questions. Once you did that, 4.5 miles per kWh and 73 miles range corresponds to a battery capacity of 73/4.5 = 16.2 kWh; 4.2 miles and 73 range to 17.3 kWh. I live in...
  4. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    The principle has been used a lot, apparently without any issues on the Volt Gen 1 and Gen 2. I think I read that the DC DC converter (APM) that recharges the battery can supply 175Amp at 13.5-14.5 volts. I also remember reading that the Volt Gen1 could support providing 1500W, but the Gen 2...
  5. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    Forget all that I had looked at this too quickly and got the impression the screws available on the battery connectors were tiny, but they should actually be big enough for the Cables I plan to use. And 100Amp breaker...
  6. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    I already have a pas powered generator for two sump pumps in my yard, so this is just clean power for house electronics. We use to only have outages once or twice a year during big storms, but they lasted from 1/2 days to 3 days. An we had 3 outages during a few hours now in the last two...
  7. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    That is the part I have a problem with, unlike the Volt, the Spark existing battery terminals/clamps do not have a place for a large bolt, so it seems I would have to undo the existing terminals/clamps and replace them by different one, and if so, this is the part I am unsure of. I dont know if...
  8. S

    Two identical sparks, 2 very different range estimates...

    Keep in mind that there is some imprecision in the calculation as the percentage only increments in full % and the kWh in .1 kWh So you can have up to .9% error on the driving % and .09 error on the kWh, if they cumulate, it can make the calculation of the capacity vary by almost 1 kWh. To...
  9. S

    Two identical sparks, 2 very different range estimates...

    I don't know about additional charging with the EVSE, but this is not my experience with regen. If the car shows a % used and a kWh used and I get a lot of regen, both the % and the kWh used will go back down. So I don't think Regen affects the accuracy of that reading
  10. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    The inverter is 1500W, but I would not draw more than 1200W like for the Volt Gen 2. I definitely use a 100A fuse or breaker close to the Plus connection for added safety. My question was about a clean way to connect to the battery terminals. On the Volt you have clean large bolts accessible...
  11. S

    Connecting an inverter for emergency power

    I know this is an old thread, but I was wondering if you (or someone else) ever found a good way to connect a 1500W power inverter cables to the Spark 12 V battery. I just installed a quick disconnect set of cables in our volt so I could connect a 1500W power inverter for power outage, and...
  12. S

    Two identical sparks, 2 very different range estimates...

    It does make all the difference, as the range is estimated based on the performance (miles/kWh) of the last few days of consumption. Basically, the estimated range value is based on two parameters. The battery usable capacity (discussed previously), and how many miles per kWh you usually achieve...
  13. S

    Two identical sparks, 2 very different range estimates...

    What number do you get for each when you calculate the usable battery capacity from the % battery used and kWh used in the leaf screen, taking these number after more than 50% of the battery has been used. For example, if when it says 76% used and 11.8 kWh used. it would mean the usable battery...
  14. S

    Value of Spark EV has gone up

    my 2014 has about 57,000 miles, and the battery usable capacity is down to about 15.5kWh In the summer, that gives me about 85 miles range, and in the winter about 75 miles (North California, 50% city, 50% highway)
  15. S

    Will this work in our cars?

    Have a look at this thread in the volt forum for a "how to" with photos. There is also someone selling the kits (more expensive), a Kit for the Volt gen 1 could easily be used for the...
  16. S

    Is Spark EV BEST Budget option? What should be looked over?

    From what you are describing, I really cannot think of anything better than the Spark EV (non biased opinion :) )
  17. S

    Is Spark EV BEST Budget option? What should be looked over?

    I was not speaking of a fully defective battery (which is covered), but of a battery that would have lost too much capacity. Battery capacity is covered if its capacity drops more than 35% after 8 years. Anything under that is not. DCFC (quick Charge) is only important if you plan to do trips...
  18. S

    Is Spark EV BEST Budget option? What should be looked over?

    I would think the Spark EV will be the one that will cost you the least in ongoing maintenance and energy cost. And it may be the most fun to drive too :) Now going 40 miles both ways without a recharge could be a stretch based on driving conditions. As far as inspection before buying, There...
  19. S

    Recall notice concerning range estimation

    About the Horn, check your settings. When they do an update, I usually loose all my preference settings, and so I have to go back and disable the various alarms I don't care for.
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    Replacement Tires - LRR All-Season

    I actually ran into that issue when I replaced my two front tires. Although I had clearly mentioned it to the guy who checked me in, as I was waiting for the tires to be installed, I suddenly noticed the guy was removing the rear wheels. I though may be he is checking the brakes (they do a...