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  1. S

    Quick way to check battery when buying used Spark?

    Not at all, this has always been an option you had to pay extra for
  2. S

    Quick way to check battery when buying used Spark?

    When you press the leaf button at the bottom right on the dash, it will show % used and kWh used. With these two, you can extrapolate a usable capacity, but ideally you want to use these numbers after the battery has been depleted more than 50% to minimize the impact of the imprecision in...
  3. S

    Help for a prospective owner...?

    You could also (should) register with OnStar right away. When buying a used Spark, you get 3 month free, and if you register a credit card they extend that to 6 month free. That gives you free towing to the closest Chevy dealer in case of problem. You register by calling OnStar From the car...
  4. S

    Purchase details for 2014 Spark EV

    Sounds like a great deal. Enjoy your new toy :)
  5. S

    Help for a prospective owner...?

    Range: Here are some personal data for you to help your inquiry. The nominal range of the spark is 82 miles from about 18.5kWh of usable battery, which is based on an average of about 4.4 miles per kWh I bought a used one with 50kMiles, and its battery only has about 16.4kWh usable capacity...
  6. S

    Battery Saver Active Message?

    Fully charge 12.1V is low (should be more like 12.7) The best way to be 100% sure is to stop at a Battery store and have them test the battery for charge and holding capacity. If you cant and in doubt, I would replace the battery, no need to get stranded for such a silly thing :)
  7. S

    God forsaken 8 amp default

    For the record, setting your house on fire by running 12 amps charging for 10+ hours in a row, day after day, on a line / outlet not quite up to par is real :) The solution was what was done on the Volt Gen2, which is to add Location based charging, so that it would remember the location that...
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    God forsaken 8 amp default

    No need to switch anything when using 240Volt. This is the way to go, no questions asked. Twice the charging speed, no setting to worry about :)
  9. S

    Is 17.5 kwh the real number for usuable battery size?

    The numbers floating around for the nominal usable kWh capacity are between 17.5 and 18.5, no official info available that I could find. There should be no issue charging to full each time as the SOC protection is built in, and is why the usable capacity is lower than the actual battery capacity.
  10. S

    Gear Shift Knob Broken

    I would go to the dealer and ask for it to be fixed under warranty.
  11. S

    Sport mode not working

    I just noticed the Sport mode button on my New "used" Spark EV does not do anything (no Sport showing up on the screen). I dont really use Sport mode, but I dont like things that dont work :) All I can think of is that the switch would have gone bad. I was wondering if anyone had the issue...
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    Car Covers in the summer

    Remember, you dont need to charge, you just need to be plugged into 120volt outlet, and if you are not supposed to use it to charge, just set delayed charging. As the result it will only use minuscule amount of electricity and only once every few hours to cool down the battery
  13. S

    Homelink installation

    I will have a second look at the dome light wires, as this just does not make sense :)
  14. S

    Random climate system cycling

    This could be because the battery conditioning is turning on.
  15. S

    battery capacity +- over 1kwh ??

    If I recall reading on the volt, If the car is off and not plugged in, The AC will come on to cool the battery, but only if you have enough charge (like 50 or 70%) But what I also read is that the full TMS does not run when the car is unplugged and turned OFF Someone who knows better may chime...
  16. S

    battery capacity +- over 1kwh ??

    I dont drive until stranded, but the amount of miles I have driven plus the reminder estimate does stay pretty consistent with the initial range estimate (so long as my driving stays the same). As far as getting 5 mile per kWh, I drive smoothly, so yes I probably drive like a granpa compared to...
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    Homelink installation

    What do you call AC switch? Do you remember which Homelink wire color went where? My understanding was that HomeLinks have 2 or 3 wires. When they have 3 they are described as below in the Homelink installation guide Red* – This wire powers...
  18. S

    battery capacity +- over 1kwh ??

    Here you go, everything is fine, breathe deeply (you seemed to be getting a bit intense for a moment) :) Joke apart, you look just fine if you got 68 miles with a screen showing 7 left minimum (the middle number would actually be better to use), then you actually had at least 75 miles range on...
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    Homelink installation

    OK, I guess you did not understand me. If you take the 12v Power from the Dome light, that power is always available, even when the car if OFF. This means the homelink button will work even when the car is turned Off, which is a security risk as the car sleeps in the driveway, so someone who...
  20. S

    battery capacity +- over 1kwh ??

    You are not loosing anything :) I believe two factors are at play: 1- The numbers themselves Calculating a battery % used and kWh used is not trivial, there is no exact method to do that (that I know of). So whatever method is used by GM to evaluate these number is likely imprecise. By how...