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  1. S

    Homelink installation

    No I dont know :) I have been looking for info on wires in the harness that goes to the black box under the mirror. Are you speaking of the wire in the harness that goes to the OnStar buttons, or wire in the harness that goes in the black box behind the mirror. Because I tested all the wires...
  2. S

    Prospective Spark EV Owner Questions

    I am not sure about the trailer hitch issue. I can see Chevy would not want people to attempt trailing big stuff with a small car like the spark. But if you plan to just pull a small thing I see no reason why not. And there are Hitches that are reported to fit the spark if you do some web...
  3. S

    Prospective Spark EV Owner Questions

    1- Battery capacity: You can get an idea of what is the remaining battery capacity of the car by looking at the energy screen. You get the energy information to be displayed in the center console by pressing the leaf button at the bottom right of the center console This energy screen shows % of...
  4. S

    How will new battery change in 8 years??

    Highly unlikely. The reason being that the battery capacity represent the energy it can deliver. If that does not change, In order for the same amount of energy to enable more range, you would need to improve the efficiency of the process that transform that energy into motion. An electric...
  5. S

    ev range question..

    No that is not accurate. First the 2015 battery is only marginally smaller, but most importantly it is said to have the same usable capacity (estimated around 18.4 kWh). So 18.09 kWh looks just fine :), especially given the fact that the extrapolation from the battery energy screen numbers...
  6. S

    ev range question..

    I have started writing down battery % and kWh every 5% starting with 10%, when I have gathered data from at least 5 cycles I will share the data. The goal is two folds: To see if the Usable capacity deducted from that data is consistent overtime, and to see if it is consistent between...
  7. S

    ev range question..

    Lots of searches on the web for Spark EV usable battery capacity. As I said nothing 100% official, but two numbers come back frequently, 18.4kWh and 17.3kWh Given many people report more than 17.3kWh I am betting on the 18.4kWh. The data reported by many people also seem to confirm that number...
  8. S

    who wants to buy a 1 level charger?

    Just check sold listings on Ebay :) And so around $250
  9. S

    2014 sparke is great

    Agreed, the amount of electricity used by these lights is marginal compared to the battery size and the electricity used to move the car. Don't overthink the range thing too much, and enjoy the car :)
  10. S

    2014 sparke is great

    Welcome to a great little car, and I agree I will never go back to gas :)
  11. S

    ev range question..

    The range number is subject to many parameters including driving style and driving conditions. If you want to know if your battery is OK, what you want to check is what is its usable capacity. That number can be extrapolated from the Energy usage screen that shows % of battery used and kWh...
  12. S

    Homelink installation

    Thanks for taking the time to explain. This is way more dismantling that I am really prepared to do for this homelink :) Just for information, I wonder why you went through the passenger side, instead of going on the driver side directly to the fuse box on the left. It seems like a simpler...
  13. S

    Homelink installation

    Thanks, Going through the A pillar was what I was trying to avoid :) Did you remove the A pillar cover? how easy was that without damaging anything? Is there an airbag in that pillar? Thanks
  14. S

    Looking for Spark EV battery and warranty information

    To MrDRMorgan and SparkevBlogspot, let us not confused kWh put in (measured during the Charging stage) and kWh used (as reported by the energy screen when the battery is depleted). The Energy put in will be bigger than the usable capacity by a couple of kWh due to charging losses. And these will...
  15. S

    Looking for Spark EV battery and warranty information

    I have not found any official spec, but most of the data I found referred to an 18.4 kWh usable. That is a pretty solid 18kWh average, I wish I had that :) It would be good to try for a while, keeping them separate, to see if the data gathered under 50% used is the same as the one gathered...
  16. S

    Looking for Spark EV battery and warranty information

    Thank you for the data it helps clarify a few things It looks like the 18.4kWh usable capacity is the likely starting point, as you say you actually started with more than that. Bad news is it means my degradation is likely in the 13% range. Good news, extrapolating the battery capacity from...
  17. S

    Looking for Spark EV battery and warranty information

    Hi, With the recent acquisition of a used 2014 Spark EV with 57k miles, I am trying to evaluate the condition of its battery. Searching the web, I found globally two different numbers about the supposed Usable capacity of that 21kWh battery. One says the battery has 18.4kWh usable another says...
  18. S

    Homelink installation

    Thank you, appreciate you taking the time. Unfortunately, if you are taking the power on the dome light (which is what I did test first), then it is also ON when the car is turned off. This means that the Homelink will work even if the car is not turned on, which is a security risk for me as...
  19. S

    Homelink installation

    Thanks but I am not on Facebook :) Would you be so kind as to let me know if your install used Switched 12V (Only hot on ignition), and if so where you took it? Thanks again
  20. S

    Homelink installation

    Hi, new here, and recent owner of a used Spark. I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to install a Homelink, and given your Facebook installation link appear to no longer be valid, I have the following questions. My Spark sleeps outside, so I need the Homelink to only be powered when...