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Chevy Spark EV Forum

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  1. M

    How to remove a strut?

    If you guys want to remove the strut, here is what you should expect: - remove components like wipes, the wiper motor, and a part referred to as the "cowl thingee. - use an impact wrench to remove bolts and nuts; - I used a spring compressor for springs; - this is not a quick job at all - it...
  2. M

    EV range in winter

    Hello, guys! I live in New Hampshire. I have heard that EVs lose considerable miles in the winter. In the summer I can go above 70 miles, up to 90. What can I expect in the winter?
  3. M

    Is the Spark's trunk too small?

    Hi, guys! I am looking to join the Spark EV space. I am very enthusiastic about this. But there is a problem... My wife doesn't want to. In her opinion, the trunk is too small. How can I convince her? Any ideas pls?