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"Dexron HP synthetic fluid in the 1ET35 Transmission appears to be overheated or extremely dark in color"

From this technical GM site:

Crap, :eek:  skip to the picture at the bottom of the page....

There is such a thing as a $20 Oil Analysis that will scientifically tell you what is going on.

It looks like THE reason for this page is to stifle warranty claims.

Which may be justified, but I plan on running out the clock with this little EV Hot Rod.

I'm going to be changing the ATF sometime this summer (@ ~ 35-40 k miles, not the recommended 97 k.)

I'll be doing it the low-tech way by draining and refilling with the exact same amount that came out.

I'll be using the recommended Dexron HP. I found it for ~$14 qt. (How much do I need?)

And I'll be getting an oil analysis sample kit from the local CAT (heavy equipment) service center. It's a small sample bottle and a post-paid padded envelope. The results are emailed. I'll post them here.
