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We just bought a 2015 White Spark EV with ~37,000 miles for $5,500!!!  They were asking $8,500 as was another dealer for a Black 2016 / 34,000 mile unit.  The 2016 Black one showed the Blue Dot average range at 56 miles after a Fast Charge, then Level II charge, then a Level I charge that I asked them to perform.  The 2015 White one only got up to 36 average range!?  I offered $5,250 as I left and told them I needed a Service Tech to run a test to confirm that the current battery was in good health and above the warranty spec of 11.4kw.  After a day they called and dropped the price to $5,500 if they didn't have to do any more testing.  I said maybe, but only if they did the Service Tech Warranty Test Report.  They did it and it came in great!  PASSED @ 82%, 43.9AH/54AH or ~15.58KW/19KW!!!  I was worried that they would not honor their $5,500 price but they didn't understand any of my concerns or the EV battery technology, or their own report.  We live Off-Grid and just wanted a cheap EV to use all our excess Solar System power we generate for 8 months of the year.  This will cut the miles and costs on our Jeep SUV and Ram Diesel Truck!  We only need a range of 30 miles per trip, so we think we can get 3-5 years use before we sell it and buy a 2023 Bolt with a much larger range.  It is just an experiment of our Off-Grid system that seems to be working great so far.  I'll try to post some photos that may help you, or PM me.  If you are buying from a Chevy Dealer, insist on a Warranty Battery Capacity Test Report before you buy.  You just want to see PASS, don't explain how good the battery may be if you are trying to negotiate down the price.  All they seem to understand in it's a Used Car and Year / Milage determines price.  For EV's it's really ALL about the BATTERY!!!

1st pic is the Tech Screen showing PASSED and the Battery Capacity / State of Health of 82% but shows the Capacity in Amp Hours units not the ??KW/19KW units I was expecting.  2nd pic in the Warranty Info 1/5 pages showing the New vs 8 year / 100,000 mile "Expected Min"of 31.5 Amp Hours.  3rd pic is the Guess-O-Meter dash after maximum charging of 28 Low - 36 Average - 43 High Mileage Range.  At 82% Battery Health, I would expect 82% of New 82 Mile Range or ~67 Blue Dot Mileage Range.  The last one is when we topped off with a 100% charge with a Fast Charger on our way back home from the dealer.  We still had ~20 miles of range before we charged it, so I think we are around 14.5KW on the battery.  Still missing 1KW of capacity / range???  Maybe it's because it had been on the dealers lot for 2-3 months or and that was winter time.  The max Blue Dot average range we have seen since we got it home is 51 miles, so going up the right direction! Hopefully it keep improving with regular use and as spring temperatures warn up.  Hope this helps you find a great used Spark.  We are very happy with the deal we got and loving the car so far!
