The combination of a typical J1772 AC plug and a chademo plug are significantly larger than a J1772 combo, Supercharger, etc. connector. The Chademo protocol certainly does have an impact on where an OEM puts the plug, as it is very large and cannot co-exist like the J1772 combo. This is a big problem for OEMs that an open minded person would consider as a negative point in the chademo vs others debate.
The picture I show above of a chademo connector in the trunk was taken BY ME at the Tokyo Motor Show last month, and it is an Accord plug in hybrid. For any who don't believe me, here's another reference photo to help you out. See the gaffers tape in this trunk picture that Motor Trend posted a year ago? What do you think it is covering?
I brought up this example as an extreme case of how integrating chademo is much easier said than done. There is so much pro-chademo, anti-SAE combo chest pounding here that it's starting to really stink the room up. Let's act like grown ups and at least acknowledge that there are pros and cons that the people doing the vehicle development have considered, every design out there has them. If open minded discussion isn't an option, why bother with the discussion...just to practice typing?
Please keep in mind that if you want a Spark EV and you want fast charging from the factory, SAE combo is your only option. My personal experiences, knowledge, opinion, etc. will not change this. Neither will yours. It's unnecessary to piss all over this forum so repetitively about how chademo is bla bla bla. As mentioned earlier, I'm speaking with my pocketbook. I'm really excited for my Spark EV with DC fast charging to arrive. I'd be really damn surprised if it showed up with a chademo connector on it (or didn't show up with a DC charge connector at all) because of a few internet warriors slamming the SAE standard anywhere they can find a soapbox to stand on.