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Nissan has been willing to listen, at least on certain topics.  In the meeting at Google in December 2011 that I was present at, many of the suggestions were incorporated into the '13 Leaf. 

They've unfortunately more recently done some bizarro about faces (e.g. '14 removing the 80% charge option, in order to avoid the dumb EPA 80%/100% rating trap instead of providing more charge to __ % options.)

But, re: DC FC infrastructure, yes, as you've seen their execution (including communication) vs. the initial statements/promises leaves a lot to be desired.  They were hiring temps for

I wish there were a good forum where Nissan would listen re: where to place DC FCs and why. It's not clear they monitor or any other feedback mechanism on these asks.

Yep, Tesla's set the bar. 

Totally agree w/the bolded part.  This is a golden opportunity for J1772 CCS camp, if they can do it right.  They can fill in geographic areas where there's decent EV demand and where there's little or no CHAdeMO thus grabbing a lead over the CHAdeMO camp in those areas.
