Some of the new NRG eVgo Freedom stations now consist of 1 CHAdeMO DC FC + 1 dual-standard ABB CHAdeMO + Combo1 DC FC, along w/an L2 (?).
Nobody asked for your thoughts on this either. I could say the same about your posts. EVs and PHEVs don't live in a vacuum. There are 3 DC FC standards in the US and it's important that people know what they're getting and what's available for whatever they choose/deciding between. Suppression of information doesn't help that.
Someone w/a Spark EV at my work recently emailed me thinking that the Tesla HPWCs ( installed at work were Tesla "Superchargers"... They are not, but rather L2 EVSEs w/up to 80 amp output (depending on the circuit they're installed on) w/a Tesla proprietary connector instead of a J1772 handle.
I have. I've discussed this MANY times w/people interested in or considering EVs/PHEVs. I've emailed and discussed this subject w/facilities people at my work and the EV valets (who were also confused about Tesla "Superchargers"). They had considered installing DC FCs. I suggested they not bother but if they were to do so (based on the vehicles our employees have) to install a CHAdeMO DC FC or at least 1 dual-standard CHAdeMO + Combo1 DC FC. I've told them about the lousy reliability of (and associated required air filter cleaning) and general unreliability and downtime of the CHAdeMO DC FCs in the area. The list goes on... too much to list.
And yes, I tell people about Plugshare all the time. I sometimes leave a Plugshare sticker on my dash. I have pinned up a Plugshare sticker at my cubicle at work. I sometimes wear my Plugshare hat.
If you don't like my posts, you can ignore them or add me as a foe.
There most definitely are, at least on Plugshare, but admittedly, mostly from one guy. Maybe he's a user here... Here are a few examples I found.
There are TONS of BMW i3 folks on the i3 Facebook group in the US wanting DC FCs. And at least every few weeks, we see someone confused not realizing that CHAdeMO isn't compatible w/their non-Japanese market i3, often mentioning a Nissan dealer and/or posting a pic of the CHAdeMO connector.
If those above folks had a CHAdeMO or Tesla Supercharger compatible vehicle, they'd have at least more stations to choose from. And, for the latter, it seems the chances of finding one working are pretty good.