EV Parking Only Sticker

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Well-known member
Apr 8, 2015
San Diego
Saturday, at this public business I was blocked from charging by regular cars parking in 3 EV charging spots. Resorted to parking on the grass and charging. Getting free electricity doesn't mean it's free from pain in the *****! The spots have no sign EV parking only so didn't bother leaving a note on the turd's windshields. "never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance"
Was thinking of making a self adhesive paper sticker with that gawd awful glue about the size of a cigarette pack stating "this parking spot is reserved for currently charging electric vehicles only, please find another parking spot" signed "the management" or "security" or some such. Of course this could get me a punch in the nose but asking someone to move is risky too sometimes, just depends on how ignorant or ornery the car or truck owner might be. To have to scrape off sticker later for car owner. The small size sticker would not be a hazard if placed on the drivers side window. I would stick one on my car too to appear as a fellow victim (plausible deniability)
Seems like asking for trouble.
What about asking the property management to paint the parking spots with the typical EV PARKING ONLY on the asphalt.

Or,,, do an early Sunday morning gorilla painting strike!
Have a some big stencils ready and a blue or green can of 'Parking Lot Stripe Paint' , the kind made for inverted spraying.

Wear you ninja suit and have your running shoes on,, just in case...
I charge for free at this site, don't want to ask for any extra attention. I've got other things to do actually, going to drop this for now. parking spots were open yesterday
NORTON said:
Seems like asking for trouble.
What about asking the property management to paint the parking spots with the typical EV PARKING ONLY on the asphalt.

Or,,, do an early Sunday morning gorilla painting strike!
Have a some big stencils ready and a blue or green can of 'Parking Lot Stripe Paint' , the kind made for inverted spraying.

Wear you ninja suit and have your running shoes on,, just in case...
EV parking is still in the "whats that phase in most of CA. In Rocklin, CA the brand new Sierra Commons shopping center has combination EV parking / Vanpool, and on any given day I can show you 40 people who either can't read or don't care what the spot is marked. It has gotten so bad that the Walmart has moved their cart return to the EV/Vanpool spots and has completely blocked the spots for vehicle parking.

I would grab a couple of traffic cones and paint it during the day. The odds of anyone saying anything are slim to none. (You can always say you were hired from the charging company.)
If a property manager goes through the work to put in an EV charging site, you'd think they'd want it to be used by EV's.
Maybe they are busy also and forgot the last step of label the parking spot and/or hanging a sign in front of the spot.
A friendly reminder shouldn't offend, hopefully...

Don't some states allow ticketing ICE cars blocking EV charging spots?