Rear Shock OEM Replacement

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Jun 3, 2020

My 2014 Sparky EV squeaks a lot when I go over bumps, methinks it's about time to replace the shocks. I am having the hardest time finding OEM shocks. At this point, I don't mind going with aftermarket parts, but I don't think anybody knows. Does anybody have experience with replacing the rear shocks? If so, what brand and where did you get the parts from?
Hey dude, thanks for replying. I did find that. That part is for 15-16, and it's not listed for '14. I'm not sure if there's anything unique about '14, maybe a suspension redone? But I came across that and find it odd that it's not listed for '14. I decided against it since '14 isn't listed specifically.
Sorry, I read that too quickly. Yea it looks like they are all discontinued, very interesting. I'd go with the 2015-2016 shocks as it seems it may be the only option you have.
It may just be a rubber pivot bushing.
Can you make it do the sound with bouncing in the open hatch?

A good ******** with a silicone spray may quiet the squeak. Hit every pivot point.
The rear shocks are different because the weights of the batteries are different. If a 2014 needs a battery, GM upgrades it to the 2015-16 battery, and says the rear shocks, springs and plastic shields are to be changed to the newer ones, too. So, it looks like the newer shocks will fit, but the valving will be different.
ElDobro said:
The rear shocks are different because the weights of the batteries are different. If a 2014 needs a battery, GM upgrades it to the 2015-16 battery, and says the rear shocks, springs and plastic shields are to be changed to the newer ones, too. So, it looks like the newer shocks will fit, but the valving will be different.

Although the batteries are different the difference is actually only 42 pounds. They may have changed the spring rate of the rear springs (I doubt it) and I'm doubt they would change the shock valving much for 42 pounds. If there is a difference in the shocks performance I doubt it would be perceivable. It appears this is may be the only option for people wanting to replace their 2014 rear shocks.
Kermit said:
ElDobro said:
The rear shocks are different because the weights of the batteries are different. If a 2014 needs a battery, GM upgrades it to the 2015-16 battery, and says the rear shocks, springs and plastic shields are to be changed to the newer ones, too. So, it looks like the newer shocks will fit, but the valving will be different.

Although the batteries are different the difference is actually only 42 pounds. They may have changed the spring rate of the rear springs (I doubt it) and I'm doubt they would change the shock valving much for 42 pounds. If there is a difference in the shocks performance I doubt it would be perceivable. It appears this is may be the only option for people wanting to replace their 2014 rear shocks.
The list of parts that have to be changed was in a bulletin from GM that the parts guy showed me.
The rear shocks are different because the weights of the batteries are different. If a 2014 needs a battery, GM upgrades it to the 2015-16 battery, and says the rear shocks, springs and plastic shields are to be changed to the newer ones, too. So, it looks like the newer shocks will fit, but the valving will be different.

Are those the comprehensive parts that need to be changed? Spring, shock, and plastic shield?

Can you clarify what the plastic shield is? Much appreciated!
After a bit of research the only part numbers that are different on the rear suspension are the shocks and springs. The springs rubber bumpers and the shock mounts and plastic boots that go on the shock are even the same, so the dimensions must not be different. Sometimes if the dealer replaces a spring or shock they also replace other parts since they are in there like the shock mounts, shock boots, spring bumpers etc.

Like Norton mentioned earlier you may want to lubricate the bushings on the rear torsion bar and the lower shock mount before going through the exercise of replacing the shocks. It may be something else that is squeaking.
After a bit of research the only part numbers that are different on the rear suspension are the shocks and springs. The springs rubber bumpers and the shock mounts and plastic boots that go on the shock are even the same, so the dimensions must not be different. Sometimes if the dealer replaces a spring or shock they also replace other parts since they are in there like the shock mounts, shock boots, spring bumpers etc.

Like Norton mentioned earlier you may want to lubricate the bushings on the rear torsion bar and the lower shock mount before going through the exercise of replacing the shocks. It may be something else that is squeaking.

I WD40'd the rear torsion arm bushings already, let it penetrate, and tried the push test again. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to fix the issue :/

At 50k miles, is it too early to do that? In my old Hyundai ('back in '04), I remember replacing the shocks at 75k miles, so I didn't think this was out of the ordinary, unless I am super off. Also, doesn't lowering the shock mounts involve replacing the shock mounts? Sorry, not familiar with that
In the link below there is an exploded diagram of the rear suspension parts.

The bottom part of the shock (where bolt/part number 5 goes) is made to pivot a little as it compresses. The other part that I believe (if I understand your post correctly) you have lubricated is item 2 which is one of the two pivots for the rear torsion bar. If those 4 locations (2 on each side) have been lubricated and it still squeaks it may very well be the shocks. 50k seems a bit early for suspension work.
The bottom part of the shock (where bolt/part number 5 goes) is made to pivot a little as it compresses. The other part that I believe (if I understand your post correctly) you have lubricated is item 2 which is one of the two pivots for the rear torsion bar. If those 4 locations (2 on each side) have been lubricated and it still squeaks it may very well be the shocks. 50k seems a bit early for suspension work.

I actually lubricated the part there #5 goes into, but did not lubricate 2! Let me go ahead and try that! Thanks a lot sir!