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  1. L

    Tesla Magic Dock & 2014 Spark EV Not Good News

    Thanks for the infor and link SmokeyPete. That will save me a trip. No sense driving all that way when we now know Tesla is screwing us Spark EV owners over. Thanks Elon!
  2. L

    Spark EV Charger Compatibly

    I just got done replying to another of your posts on a different thread. Have you done the modification to your charging port on your Spark or has it already been done? If it hasn't been done then there is a...
  3. L

    DCFC Troubleshooting

    Something you must be made aware of is that the Chevy Spark EV was the first production EV that was equipped with CCS 1 connector. Now I don't know if the whoever manufactured the CCS 1 connector for the Spark EV didn't read the blueprints correctly or if what was finally adopted as the...
  4. L

    Tesla Magic Dock & 2014 Spark EV Not Good News

    Thanks for all the measurements. I have looked at a number of EVSE J1772 connectors. All of them are wide at the top and notched thinner and it is this thinner part that drops down and latches on the J1772 receptor on the Chevy Spark. Looking at the photos of Tesla's Magic Dock the part that...
  5. L

    Tesla Magic Dock & 2014 Spark EV Not Good News

    It looks like the latching mechanism, that is the silver thing on top, is too wide so it isn't dropping down into place. I had a look at my current level 2 EVSE and the part that drops down is considerably narrower. I found a few photos of the Magic Dock which clearly shows the end of the...
  6. L

    Door Unlocks then Immediately Locks Automatically

    I have never replaced the sensor and have been living with it not connected for close to two years. Honestly I don't miss it. The only thing you lose by not having the sensor connected and working correct is the ability to lock and or unlock all the doors with your key in the drivers door...
  7. L

    Electric Vehicle

    The calculations are pretty simple. Look at how much your electricity provider is charging per kilowatt hour. Depending on the time of day and season that cost can vary a bit. Lets say your provider is charging 15 cents per kilowatt hour and your Chevy Spark EV or any other EV is getting 4.2...
  8. L

    Considering a 2016 Spark EV as a new daily driver

    So if your commute is 5 minutes on the freeway depending on how fast you drive is about 6 to 8 miles. Yeah, a Spark EV in cold weather should easily be able to make the round trip and be ideal for a daily driver. Couple bits of advice. If at all possible get a Spark EV that has the DC Fast...
  9. L

    Problems with DC fast charging

    I was thinking the same thing. If they haven't filed down part of the charge port on the Spark EV it could be a communication problem. I was having the same problem at Electrify America stations till I did the modification myself. What...
  10. L

    Check engine light P1E00

    Not all 12V batteries will work correctly in the Spark EV. I know batteries that are not AGM will more likely cause problems. Here is a link to as discussion thread on 12V batteries here. If you got the error after a failed...
  11. L

    Scraping / squealing sound

    The brakes are were my first thought too. Could be the parking brake isn't fully releasing? Could be a massive amount of rust build up on the disc. I have read like every week or two when coming to a stop you should but the EV in neutral and brake with only the mechanical brakes. This will...
  12. L

    P215B - first trouble with our Spark

    I have never driven in snow or ice with my Spark but I watched a few videos of people who do. One person said in snow or slippery conditions when coming to a full stop you should put the Spark in neutral while braking so all four wheels are using the mechanical brakes. Otherwise you are only...
  13. L

    2016 Spark: What went wrong? Predicted and actual ranges used to agree.

    If your Spark EV is a 2014 then you have an LFP lithium iron phosphate battery pack or more accurately it has a lithium iron nanophosphate battery pack. The 2014 Spark EV must be charged to 100% once a week or the computer will have a hard time predicting how far the car can go. The good news...
  14. L

    Door Unlocks then Immediately Locks Automatically

    Removing the door panel isn't too difficult. Just make sure when your prying it off use something made out of plastic or slide a thin bit of plastic between the metal frame of the door and a screwdriver or you will scratch the paint. Once you get the panel off just partly peel the think...