Why buy a EVSE/charger for a leased car? Because I like the idea of having an electric car and will likely purchase one after the lease is up on this car. Also, if I go with a Bosch, a 240V 30 amp charger is $95 plus installation, which, since our garage is already set up for an easy install, should be cheap (we'd do it ourselves but the $500 Bosch rebate requires a "Bosch-certified" installer).
Leasing made more sense because of residual value, which seems to drop off quickly on EVs - in 3 years, the value of the car is likely to have dropped more than the lease payments. A Nissan Leaf, for instance, starts at around $30,000 and a 3 year old car can be bought locally for about $13,000 - other EVs show a similar projected price drop off.
In my area, a new 2LT goes for around $24,000 (after you have negotiated away the "market price adjustment" and taken the cash back offer). So the questions is - in 3 years, what will the car be worth? There is no state tax credit and I ran the $7,500 tax rebate through my last year's income taxes - I don't see $7,500 out of it, more like $3,500. So knock that down to $20,000, to be generous. With the lease, I am assuming that the value in 2018 will be less than $15,000. Partly because I expect better range by 2018. If I am wrong, I doubt I am going to be wrong by very much $$$ and this way I don't have to finance the vehicle or withdraw savings to pay for the car outright.
Although by 2018 I may be consolidating our cars (previous: RAV4 and Jeep Grand Cherokee V8 for towing a travel trailer) down to something that tows (like a truck) and a Volt for similar.