Anyone have an extra remote fob they would sell?

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user 527

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2014
My second question is whether anyone knows if these things can be repaired. The "unlock" button finally broke off, just like the first fob I had. Otherwise it works okay, though if I lock the car and unlock with the manual key, the alarm goes off until I start the car.
Nevermind. I found the little piece that fell out and simply put it back and covered it with a bit of duct tape—voila.
barely related… does anyone know the ordering number for the door lock blank key? I need one I can get wet and I used to have one for when I went to the beach. but I lost it. :/
I talked to the Chevy dealership and the my told me 94543206. But it’s obsolete in their system and not available. I also don’t think that part number is a plain old key… I think it comes with a fob…
Cool. I ended up getting a simple metal key (no plastic head). The code on my key was HY6. I think it was from a Hyundai. It pretty much works, but you have to work it around a bit. Dupakey fought the battle, but they said they didn’t have the exact right blank.
San Diego, does your key have an identifying code on it?
do you still have this remote for your spark ev
I have one from my wrecked sparked ev it’s been sitting in my drawer
Bitter? I'm wondering if you still have the EVSE portable battery charger that comes with the EV if you do can we work something out? I seem to be in a jam and really need to charge my Chevy Spark EV 2015 within 30 days because I may lose it the owner of where I live asked me to move it or he will get it towed. It's been sitting for 7 months on his property so I don't blame him. But please get back with me soon. Please.
I have the original evse charger but you can get any level 1 or 2 charger and will work. Have you checked ebay?