California HOV Sticker Removal

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Use both.
Slowly peel off the sticker while heating the area near where you are trying to begin.
Pull vertically slowly. Try not to heat the parts already released.
Any remaining adhesive should be removed with an adhesive remover.
I have no experience with Goo Gone. 3M sells an 'Adhesive Remover' that works great.
"The OLD rule, however, said that all white stickers have to expire on January 1, 2019. (the one from 5 years ago or so). Only the ability for NEW automobiles to use the HOV lane was added by the NEW law." Does this imply that white stickers on a newly acquired EV are still acceptable as long as you pay $22 to have them transferred into your name? thanks
NORTON said:
...I have no experience with Goo Gone....

I have used Goo Gone and also WD40. Both helped and did not damage the paint. Regardless, test them on an inconspicuous area (wheel-well, wraparound over an edge, etc.) just in case, BEFORE you risk damaging your paint

HazellyMores said:
A hair dryer will ultimately work, but a heat gun (such as for removing chipping house paint) works great (and quickly) when used VERY CAREFULLY.

This may be true, but I highly recommend against using a heat gun. It may very well work great if you're careful, but it's VERY easy to permanently damage the paint. Such damage will occur in SECONDS. I use one professionally and I just wouldn't do it.
I have utilized Goo Gone and furthermore WD40. Both aided and didn't harm the paint. Notwithstanding, test them on an unnoticeable region (wheel-well, wraparound over an edge, and so on) for good measure, BEFORE you risk harming your paint
I used solar heat, peeled them off, then a microfiber cloth with some acetone on it, then washed off with soapy water and waxed. No side effects after 2 years.
... then a microfiber cloth with some acetone on it ...
I'm curious. Did you test this on an inconspicuous part of the car? How long did you leave it on? I didn't think of acetone, but think it might work better than the alternatives mentioned. On the other hand, it's VERY aggressive. I once tried it to remove dried paint from a silkscreen, and it completely ate through the silkscreen.
Removing California HOV stickers typically involves peeling them off the vehicle's surface carefully. However, it's important to note that once removed, these stickers cannot be reattached or reused. Additionally, any residue left behind can be cleaned using adhesive remover or warm soapy water. Always check current regulations and guidelines before making changes to your vehicle's stickers.

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