I think the worst part is over. Now my skin is dry and itching but not red or swollen anymore. The new charge location and 2 mile walk is working for now. thinking of getting a folding Ebike like the VELO mini
I think the worst part is over. Now my skin is dry and itching but not red or swollen anymore. The new charge location and 2 mile walk is working for now. thinking of getting a folding Ebike like the VELO mini
Sparkler said:stevon said:Have a place to charge for free 1.9 miles away from my house if I walk on pavement. Took a short cut through some brush on Wednesday. I found out that we do have poison oak here, boy did I find out!Taking prescribed steroids and using Aveeno Anti-Itch lotion, where did I put my wire brushes? Even free electricity has some costs!
Painful! Wire brushes won't help poison oak...
I used to be very allergic to that stuff, I would get a rash just by driving through the woods when it was active. If I could smell it, I would itch. It's been years since I was told the secret to getting some immunity from it by an old hippie at an outdoor concert. She said to find a plant in winter when it was not too active and eat just one of it's tiniest leaves. I was desperate and tried that, and it has not bothered me since! I'm sure actual contact would still be painful, but the long distance rashes have gone away.