I've both run my fridge using an inverter and charged my Spark using the solar. I think you'll be fine.
I haven't used the Spark to run the inverter, but I've run it from other cars. I have an 800 watt continuous (1600 watt peak) inverter that had no problems running my newish, energy-star fridge. If your fridge uses more power, you may need a larger inverter. Just keep the load within what the Spark will handle.
After my solar was installed and inspected, but before the utility would let me connect, I used the SMA inverter's built-in outlet to charge the Spark a few times. It had no problems charging at 8 amps, showing just over 1000 watts flowing, but wouldn't do 12 amps - the car would stop charging, even though it's a 3KW system that produces over 2000 watts most of the day.
Personally, the next time I have a lengthy outage, I'll probably try to run the fridge directly from the solar inverter, but if that doesn't work I'll run the fridge from the car and top up the car from the solar.