My ReFuel TT experience

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Active member
Nov 26, 2013
Took my Spark EV to ReFuel. Unfortunately due to lack of decent charging options I was only able to run the 1st practice and the main TT. I also did a 1/2 dozen autocross sessions. Fortunately I also had a Palatov DP1e to drive :)

Got a 2:11 for my TT time, beating out all but a Fiat500e (by a couple 10th's) and two RAV4 EV's in the AP class. I also beat 5 Teslas. I can die a happy man :)

I ran the car "bone stock", even with the tires at 38PSI to establish a baseline for future modifications. Overall it was both encouraging and very frustrating. The car is surprisingly quick, but the SBS completely destroys it's "track-ability". Basically 1/2 way through a corner the SBS kicks in and drags the brakes and takes away the throttle. So I have no power for 2-3 seconds exiting every corner (where you need it most). I am convinced I had an easy 5 seconds on the table if I could disable that damn SBS. And that is with stock tires, suspension, etc... With decent tires/suspension and no-SBS, I think sub 2min laps are definitely possible. Which would net you a 7th place overall!

Event Results

And some AutoCross goodness.

Anyone know how to add videos "in-line"?
I had a buddy there and he was giving me timing updates on the "stock" Spark EV. When I saw the times, I knew it must have literally been bone stock, tires and all. Let me know when you're ready to start playing and we can compare notes. The tires are by far the biggest improvement, and make the car a hell of a lot easier to drive. My car is several seconds faster in an autocross than when I started, which includes lots of driver and car improvements. The car has a lot of untapped potential, for sure.

I'm jealous, I haven't got to compare any of my times directly to other EVs. I also haven't done any track events yet, just autocrossing.

My bone stock LEAF did 2:12 at Refuel 2012.

Stock tires, pressures, everything. Thankfully, we had a CHAdeMO charger on site that year (supplied by Nissan), so I ran all day with quick top offs from the charger. I'm told exactly one Nissan LEAF competed this year.

With the complete Tesla takeover of the event, the company did bring a Tesla Supercharger to the race. Sorry I missed it this year, but I did pay and register to run my Toyota Rav4 EV. I likely would have needed to bring a 10kW generator, too, to attempt to keep the car charged (with its 40 amp onboard charger).

Like Toyota, GM won't be showing up at events like this to support EV's !!!
emotodude said:
Got a 2:11 for my TT time, beating out all but a Fiat500e (by a couple 10th's) and two RAV4 EV's in the AP class. I also beat 5 Teslas. I can die a happy man :)
One of those was me. :oops:
TonyWilliams said:
My bone stock LEAF did 2:12 at Refuel 2012.
Bah, the best I've been able to get was a 2:12.8 in 2013 and a 2:13.2 in 2014 with my Model S 60. The power limiting it imposes after repeated accelerations is a bitch. In the real world I've never encountered it, but at the track I get it in the second half of each lap. No doubt a Model S 85 would fare better, but they get it too. I need to slow down to go faster, I think, which is so counter intuitive...
Even though I've raced on Laguna Seca a number of times, I always find it helpful to brush up in a simulator before going out. iRacing is incredibly realistic and really helps to identify the proper lines.
I have been practicing in Forza 5. I think I nailed the lines quite well and even had pretty good control going into the corners. But since Forza doesn't have a Tesla in it, I couldn't simulate the power limiting. ;)
I guess I should have noted that even pushing the Spark "almost" as hard as I could for a full practice session, I had no overheating or power reduction. So I guess it's got that on the Teslas ;p
My brother, who was big into RC racing, always used to say "slow is fast." I guess there's truth to that in more than one respect. :D
GeekEV said:
[ The power limiting it imposes after repeated accelerations is a bitch. In the real world I've never encountered it, but at the track I get it in the second half of each lap. No doubt a Model S 85 would fare better, but they get it too. I need to slow down to go faster, I think, which is so counter intuitive...

The LEAF didn't have a power limit / heating issue, but the Tesla Roadster and BMW ActiveE were particularly bad.

I don't know what the Rav4 EV will do, but I suspect the same as your Model S.
nozferatu said:
Shame it's got a 90MPH top speed could easily do more.
Using Leguna Seca as the track, if you could maintain that as your average speed, that'd get you a 1:29.5 lap time. 80MPH will get you 1:47.7 and 70MPH will get you 1:55.1. The Spark EV could definitely turn some VERY respectable times with the right driver. 90MPH speed limit or no.
emotodude said:
Got a 2:11 for my TT time...
Got to glimpse your first TT lap in the rear view here during my 2:21 TT run. Spark EV definitely had better power/weight than the Fit EV.

emotodude said:
...Unfortunately due to lack of decent charging options I was only able to run the 1st practice and the main TT. I also did a 1/2 dozen autocross sessions...
Spark EV is on my list of replacements for Fit EV. But current on-board charger is a handicap that would have made my trip from Simi Valley take two days. A 7kW OBC option for 2016 would land a Spark EV in my garage.