Naming your car

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Active member
Jun 27, 2017
First: I have come to terms with the dealer, and he is FedEx-ing the documents for me to sign tomorrow. I should have my brand new 2015 silver Spark next week (shipping from Maryland to Texas).

To the topic: I'm not normally one to name vehicles. But, I felt like my 2014 Focus Electric needed a name for the social part of the MyFord Mobile app, rather than just "Abel's Focus". I'm assuming that I'll need a name for the Chevy app as well, though I don't know for sure.

So I'm spitballing ideas with my wife. My Focus was silver and silent, so I named it Wraith. If you recall, my Spark is also silver and silent (once I disable the noisemaker!). But I don't want to also call it Wraith, you know?

Wraith 2: The Wraithening
Wraith 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Farter (silent but deadly, also passes gas [stations])

Anyone else name their cars? Anything interesting? Any ideas for mine?
SparkE said:
As a salute to Nunavut, you should call it : Bob.

Nunavut is the most recent (and largest) Canadian territory. It was created about 20 years ago. I worked with a few Canadians at the time, so I watched this roll out in real time, and I found it amazingly funny both at the time and still today.

The name Nunavut was chosen by the inhabitants (it's an Inuit word). There was a vote to name the portion that would remain of the old Northwest Territories (Nunavut was split from the former, and much larger, NWT). Keeping the name of NWT is what was finally decided. What I found hilarious was that a joker pushed the idea of calling the new territory "Bob". This was happening during the massive explosion of the Internet (public familiarity with and use thereof) back in the 1990s, and the joker took his naming choice to the Internet. "Bob" turned out to be the second-highest vote getter, behind Northwest Territories.

So ... Bob.
This can't end well. Names like Cthulhu and Boaty McBoatface were mild, but it can turn to things like "Hitler did nothing wrong" like the net did for Mountain Dew.

My vote would be Serenity. It was name given by Nasa after Colbert hijacked the poll, because I suspect you'll override the polls here. (see what I did there?)
Nice story about Bob. I had no idea.

Overriding the poll: true enough, though I wasn't putting it to a vote, exactly. ;)
My wife named her car 'Evie' -

Due to a spark release from the plug when recharging, I got her a personalized State license plate... SPARXFLY

didget69 said:
...Due to a spark release from the plug when recharging...
? There should be no sparks 'released' when 'recharging'. :?:

Unless you are unplugging the EVSE from the wall while the car is pulling current.

Note: You shouldn't do that.... :eek: Always disconnect at the car first.
NORTON said:
didget69 said:
...Due to a spark release from the plug when recharging...
? There should be no sparks 'released' when 'recharging'. :?:

Unless you are unplugging the EVSE from the wall while the car is pulling current.

Note: You shouldn't do that.... :eek: Always disconnect at the car first.


The car didn't fully disconnect electrically when the key-fob was pushed to unlock & stop the charge. When my wife
disconnected the L2 plug from car, she got a spark.

didget69 said:
.... When my wife
disconnected the L2 plug from car, she got a spark.
That is not right and is going to damage your cars charge port and the J1772 connector.
You're saying 'Sparks' at the car's charge port???

Try this: When the car is actively charging, without pulling the J1772 out just press the 'disconnect button' on the top of the handle. That should make the relay in the EVSE click OPEN. Then there should be no current flow at that connector to make a spark.

Also the pins and sockets are so recessed and shrouded in the J1772, if there was a spark, I can't see how you'd be able to see it. Are you sure we're not talking about the 'wall outlet to EVSE' ?
Ummm, can she repeat this process and always get this 'spark' ? :|

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