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More Engine Link testing shows that the app locks up a LOT with regular use, requiring the program to be closed and restarted to get it going again. Charging showed some interesting information, but highlighted several Volt specific PIDs that don't apply to us. I'll remove some of those and use the app some more to see if it locks up less.

NORTON said:
solder said:
What's ATF? If anyone has any requests, I can look into finding the pids.

The 'Drive Unit's' lubricant. It may have a temp sensor. The Volt did. ( Automatic Transmission Fluid )

"Auxilliary Transmission Fluid Pump Inverter Temperature Sensor" (val: 37 deg C)

I need to do more analysis to confirm this, but it appears to be ECU 259, diag message 28CC, 1 byte, offset from -40.

This should look something like this in the CSV:

ATF Temp,ATF Temp,2228CC,(A-40),-40,200,C,259

I already started work on creating a SparkEV tab on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvK9F6VeA7dvdFUwSjBzR2FQM1BJTWZoLW43ZFdoTFE#gid=0 -- but so far it's just a duplicate of the Volt tab. I have not gotten around to deleting the PIDs that are not relevant, but I intend to do so.
Nashco said:
More Engine Link testing shows that the app locks up a LOT with regular use, requiring the program to be closed and restarted to get it going again. Charging showed some interesting information, but highlighted several Volt specific PIDs that don't apply to us. I'll remove some of those and use the app some more to see if it locks up less.

Yeah, and feel free to help me edit that Google Doc to remove the useless rows on the SparkEv page :)
solder said:
Nashco said:
More Engine Link testing shows that the app locks up a LOT with regular use, requiring the program to be closed and restarted to get it going again. Charging showed some interesting information, but highlighted several Volt specific PIDs that don't apply to us. I'll remove some of those and use the app some more to see if it locks up less.

Yeah, and feel free to help me edit that Google Doc to remove the useless rows on the SparkEv page :)

I'll chip away at it, that's easy to do here and there as time allows. I also need to dig into what it will take to load a custom (not-preloaded) library. According to the app developer, it's possible, but it's not intuitive. I found some instructions here, which I'll try later:


Nashco said:
I'll chip away at it, that's easy to do here and there as time allows. I also need to dig into what it will take to load a custom (not-preloaded) library. According to the app developer, it's possible, but it's not intuitive and not documented.

I did it, it wasn't too bad. You have to export that CSV from Google Docs, and then go to iTunes, select the phone, select Apps, EngineLink, and drag the CSV file into the list of CSV files:


Sync the phone with iTunes.

Then, go into the EngineLink app on the phone, swipe right several times until you get to the "Long press to create or move the custom PID" screen. Long-press, click Small Bar to get into the "Custom PIDs" screen. Press "Edit", then "Load PIDs", and the custom PIDs should appear:

solder said:
I did it, it wasn't too bad. You have to export that CSV from Google Docs, and then go to iTunes, select the phone, select Apps, EngineLink, and drag the CSV file into the list of CSV files:

Ha, you're too quick. I found that page and updated my post above shortly after posting it, thus my ninja edit above, but looks like you were hot on it anyway. Thanks for the walk-through, I'll have to try that when I've got the magic wifi+laptop+time combination. ;)

Would anyone mind uploading a copy of the working csv file for the Spark? It would seem the online Google Doc version has been tampered with, and the Spark codes deleted.
ee241 said:
Would anyone mind uploading a copy of the working csv file for the Spark? It would seem the online Google Doc version has been tampered with, and the Spark codes deleted.
I would be happy to upload the MS Excel .CSV file but I do not know how to put the file into this message so the file can be copied by others. HELP!
ee241 said:
Would anyone mind uploading a copy of the working csv file for the Spark? It would seem the online Google Doc version has been tampered with, and the Spark codes deleted.

We should have a copy of it from when we were trying to support the Spark in our EvBatMon App, send me a PM if you're stuck. Also, if you are keen to collaborate we are still interested in supporting the Spark however we don't have access to the vehicles here in Australia to undertake the required testing.
We put a copy of the Spark EV .csv file in the "Files" section of the Southeast U.S. Chevy Spark EV Owners / Fans FB page. It's a closed group, so you'll have to join to gain access.
for a non facebook user..anywhere else i can grab the pid for the sparkEV?..2016 owner here just learning to play with torque and obdii
I'm using the PIDs for the Bolt that I got from chevybolt.org in the "Technical DIscussion" section They seem to work fine on my 2015 Spark EV.
thanks..trying it out now..
lets see how it goes :)
edit:success... yikes lots of data... what data are most people displaying? so 96 cells in the sparkev? are there typical readings that I should look at or worry about?
I'm displaying Time and Date, Bat Cap Est, the 4 readings for state of charge, temperatures for battery, battery coolant, and ambient air, cell voltages and average voltages. It was quite a bit of work to display each individual cell voltage to two decimal places, and probably something hardly anyone would do without a lot of time on winter evenings. (Or maybe sheltering in place during a pandemic.)

The Spark EV has 96 cell groups, with two cells in parallel per group. The Bolt has 96 cell groups, with three cells in parallel per group.
RSC said:
I'm displaying Time and Date, Bat Cap Est, the 4 readings for state of charge, temperatures for battery, battery coolant, and ambient air, cell voltages and average voltages. It was quite a bit of work to display each individual cell voltage to two decimal places, and probably something hardly anyone would do without a lot of time on winter evenings. (Or maybe sheltering in place during a pandemic.)

The Spark EV has 96 cell groups, with two cells in parallel per group. The Bolt has 96 cell groups, with three cells in parallel per group.
thoughts on the accuracy of the "battery capacity guess" info? mine is at 13.6 kWh..was hoping for higher..that about average?
will play more this weekend.

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