OEM EVSE 240V capable?

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user 1116

Active member
Jun 2, 2017
1) Can you use the Bolt EVSE on the Spark EV?
2) Is the Spark EVSE 240V capable just like what I heard about the Volt/Bolt EVSE?
Puregsr said:
1) Can you use the Bolt EVSE on the Spark EV?
Yes, you can use any EVSE to charge the Spark. if you think about it, you can charge the Spark at any charging station, regardless of their power ability.
The charger is inside the car, and it decides what it can take. The EVSE is just a power supply, it can be limited at the high end, but it does not dictate what the car will get within that range, the car will decide.

Puregsr said:
2) Is the Spark EVSE 240V capable just like what I heard about the Volt/Bolt EVSE?
It may depend what year the Spark Is. Earlier Volt EVSE could not be used at 240V without actual modifications. Only the latest ones (2015 or 2016, I don't remember) actually support 240V as is.
You may want to ask the question on the Volt form in the thread that explains that, and or check if the EVSE you have is the same model.
I know the 2015 Spark EVSE is convertible to 240V because I converted mine. It's been working fine. I also made and adapter to let it work with 120V if needed.
EVSE Upgrade.com seems to have options to upgrade the EVSE for Volt and Bolt.

However, somebody is able to use the Bolt EVSE @ 240V-12amp and just get an adapter off etsy.com for three phase NEMA 15-XX and 21-XX, website stating should work okay with Bolt and Volt (+2016) EVSE.
CCIE said:
I know the 2015 Spark EVSE is convertible to 240V because I converted mine. It's been working fine. I also made and adapter to let it work with 120V if needed.

Did you have to open it up and change the board (and the input power plug) or just change the input power plug?
So if I plug in the factory charger that came with the Spark into a 240v outlet, it won't damage it?
Will it charge faster?
ncerna said:
So if I plug in the factory charger that came with the Spark into a 240v outlet, it won't damage it?
Will it charge faster?

As the OP, this is basically what I am asking.
Technically if it's able to handle 240v right out the box, then basically you can charge twice as fast as level 1 and 2/3 of the level 2 charging speed for the Spark.

240v x 8a = 1.92 kw
240v x 12a = 2.88 kw
However, if you wanna be safe, then send it to EVSEupgrade.com to get it upgraded to handle 240v. This will be the cheapest and safest route.
Puregsr said:
...240v x 8a = 1.92 kw
240v x 12a = 2.88 kw
However, if you wanna be safe, then send it to ... This will be the cheapest and safest route.
The safest is not using unsafe 240V to 120V homemade adapter cables.

The safest thing is to open your old dusty billfold and buy an L2 for home use and charge at a proper 3.3kW.
They're getting cheaper all the time. Look it up.
Here's the youtube video I followed to re-wire for 240V or 120V usage.


Assuming your charger looks the same on the inside as this one (clippercreek board), then it's capable of 240V charging @ 12amps. Note that you'll need a 240V outlet that includes both hots, neutral, and ground. That's four prongs total, which is unusual to find. I happened to have an L14-30 outlet in my garage. An L14-20 would also work, and is what the video shows.

If you don't know what you're doing, this could obviously be dangerous. So, proceed at your own risk!