Spark resale value in 5 years: 28% according to KBB

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
That calculates to about 8,000 bucks. Read all about it:

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I'm sure they'd sell/lease alot more if they had these girls on the showroom floor of every dealer.

More-so the reason to lease instead of buy. I'm sure the Tesla Model E will break this trend as they've been doing so since.
So what? If keeping the car for the lifetime of the battery warranty, the fuel and maintenance savings will pay off the car. This is especially true if charging at work for free. Yeah, at the end of the cars life it won't be able to resell for anything, but we can't have it all!
All cars lose value when you buy but if you plan to keep it for 7-10 years, who cares. I wanna hold out to cash in on a free new battery, then hand it off to my parents or something for the next big thing.

Also knowing I got $10k in rebates for it, $8000 isn't all that bad.
Leasing may be the way to go if you don't pay a lot in taxes or like buy or lease a new car every three years. BUT if you pay a lot in taxes, buying might be a wiser way to go. Using the figures from this article, the residual value of a Spark EV after 5 years is $7925 (28% of $28,305). If one receives the $2500 rebate CVRP and is eligible for the full $7500 federal tax incentive, their Spark EV is going to retain 43% of its original value. That's pretty darn good!
Best thing to do with EV's at this point IMHO is to lease...never is changing too quickly to be stuck with a 5 year old EV.