Hi guys. Brand new here from Austin TX. Your forum has been a wonderful resource. Thank you. I ended up with a lime green '15 that was only driven about 324 miles a month, not a scratch on it. I'm not positive but I don't think the previous owner didn't DCFC much due to the cobwebs I found under the orange flap

I was also smiling when I found a nice aftermarket level 2 EVSE in the hatch. A small bit of luck I guess. I changes the cabin air filter, put some speakers in and tinted the two un-tinted windows to match and I'm all set for now. My 10 mile total commute leaves lots of juice left for tooling all over town. Even here in the hill country I'm getting over 5.0mi/kwh so happy there too. I have only seen 1 other blue Spark EV here in town but there is no shortage of Leaf's and Tesla's.