Recent content by Geri M.

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  1. Geri M.

    San Diego - Need more than 82 mile range?

    Is this still available. Because I need to be in Los Angeles on Oct. 8, 2024. Please let me know the details. I own a Chevy Spark EV
  2. Geri M.

    Anyone have an extra remote fob they would sell?

    Bitter? I'm wondering if you still have the EVSE portable battery charger that comes with the EV if you do can we work something out? I seem to be in a jam and really need to charge my Chevy Spark EV 2015 within 30 days because I may lose it the owner of where I live asked me to move it or he...
  3. Geri M.

    New Member

    Hi and in response to your question. No. I still have my car sitting. Dead. Now the problem is that I'm moving in 30 days and have used up all my money for the new place I'm moving to so now I really can't afford to buy a new EVSE But during this time that I first posted I took it to an...
  4. Geri M.

    Spark trunk charger specs?

    Thanks for alerting me on exactly what I'm looking for and for the recommendation. If I purchase the one you recommended will it charge from my home since my car has been sitting completely dead. Is that all I need?
  5. Geri M.

    Anyone have an extra remote fob they would sell?

    I just found out it's a EVSE that I need to purchase.
  6. Geri M.

    Sudden charge problem

    Thanks. I finally found some good I formation. I'm having the same problem. I'm not a mechanic but I understood your message.
  7. Geri M.

    Spark trunk charger specs?

    Where can I buy a used on board charger that comes with the Chevy spark ev?
  8. Geri M.

    Anyone have an extra remote fob they would sell?

    What about your onboard portable charger that comes with the Chevy Spark? Mine isn't working.