tigger19687 said:
TW, please just shut up, I have you on ignore and I don't know WHY I even look at your replies.
I am not looking to get any other Rebate from another state.
This Thread was asking ... well just read the title !
You're confused.
He's trying to get thru to you about WHY some automakers are building various types of vehicles (e.g. BEVs, enhanced AT-PZEVs (in the form of PHEVs), hydrogen FCVs, AT-PZEV cars, etc.) in conjunction w/buying ZEV credits from other automakers (http://green.autoblog.com/2013/10/17/tesla-sells-most-zev-green-car-credits-gm-buys-most/ and http://insideevs.com/tesla-leads-sellers-of-zev-credits-in-past-year-gm-leads-as-a-buyer/) to meet CARB (California Air Resources Board) ZEV (Zero Emissions Vehicle) requirements and thus limiting their sales to California or not much beyond CA. Toyota, Chevy, Fiat, etc. BEV efforts are perfect examples of CA ZEV compliance cars.
There's little (financial) reason and incentive for automakers who are building small volume (and thus money-losing) ZEVs for CA compliance to sell them in states where it DOESN'T HELP with their California ZEV compliance or in states where there isn't something similar to CA's ZEV programs and required compliance. It will only put them deeper in the hole unless they can sell enough to get to get to breakeven and profitability. Adding more states adds a lot more overheard (more dealer and sales training needed, more field support, inventory risk since cars will be so spread out, stocking of parts at local depots, etc.) for tiny sales vs. their other vehicles.
This is all orthogonal to rebates (if any) to the consumer.
I don't know how many Chevy dealers there are in California, the most populous state w/38 million people but a few quick searches http://www.chevrolet.com/tools/dealer-locator.html leads to be believe a guestimate of 100 in CA aren't that far off. So, if it's an overall average of 1 sold/leased per dealer per month in an EV friendly state (i.e. white carpool lane stickers and $2500 California rebate (CVRP)) and where folks are more open to EVs, the effort and overhead will simply not be worth it in much of the rest of the US.
If you really want to the car, then you'll have to go w/Nascho's suggested route and and likely forgo any rebate from your or any other state. Have fun as well if you need any warranty work, recall work and EV specific work done...
Besides reading Tony's posts, see below:
http://media.gm.com/dld/content/Pages/news/us/en/2014/Jul/gmsales/_jcr_content/rightpar/sectioncontainer/par/download_0/file.res/GM-Deliveries-Jun-2014.pdf from http://media.gm.com/media/us/en/gm/news.detail.html/content/Pages/news/us/en/2014/Jul/gmsales.html for GM's typical monthly and YTD sales
http://insideevs.com/monthly-plug-in-sales-scorecard/ for Spark EV sales