I bought my Leaf and learned my lesson well. That is, to lease the Spark and not buy it. We opted for 15,000 mile per year at $248 per month, 3 years.
The reasons are simple. The resale value of EVs has turned into a real dog. I cannot sell my Leaf or I'll lose about 5,000 bucks for each year I owned it. No good. I have to wait for a new battery now. The range is down to 65 miles or less. (Yeah, they actually called it a 100-mile car when it came out). So I am at iMiev level now. A Costco car at 42,800 miles 27 months.
The tech in Spark may be better but it is better-but-unproven. You have no idea, despite the TMS on board, what your Spark will do at 42,000 miles 2 years down the road.
Also, competition is coming. Tesla Model L, the 35,000-dollar 200-mile car. So is, for that matter, 200-mile GM car of the same price range. All the while you're locked in to your Spark whose value by then is...a big question mark. Judging by the Leaf story not too hot.
Meanwhile, my lease cost me only 100-120 bucks a month in real money (gas savings, Ca rebate spread over 36 payments). I don't have to look past 3 years - and worry. The car is going bye-bye. It's done it's thing, and let's see what is available in 2016 with a double range. Most impoirtantly, my "total loss" on the car is...3,900 bucks. That's in 3 years. Compare that to my Leaf that cost 27,000 with all the rebates and such and is worth about 15 now. You see what I mean?
And let's face it. I leased it for my college commuter kid, because it it the cheapest alternative and was at the time we had to have a car for him. The ride is shaky, folks. I have spent enough time in it by now. It's cute and all, the interface needs a bulletin, it has bugs, after all it is a new car. It can be a challenge to keep going straight, and so on. You have to drive a Leaf to feel and understand the difference between a real car and a sparky golf cart. Sorry to say. It's side is shaped like a wind sail, just waiting for a gust of wind from the side to get blown off the freeway. I am actually telling my kid to watch it on windy days.
So, ultimately I am happy with the car for what it is, but I am very happy with my decision - an easy one too - to lease only.