EV Parking Spots --- Getting ICE'd.

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Well-known member
May 1, 2015
So what do you do?

I live in EV paradise! http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/02/14/514517425/in-americas-heartland-a-power-company-leads-charge-for-electric-cars

Went out for a V-Day dinner to a nice restaurant in a part of town I don't go to much. Looked at Plugshare and there were 6 new L2's half a block away!
3 of the spots were ICE'd.
Do you leave a pre-printed Nasty-gram on their windshield?
I dropped the special lady friend at the restaurant and was alone, in the dark,,, so I raised the wiper blades on those offending cars. Am I setting myself up for an Ass Whoppin?

I'm still researching if the city has a tow rule for EV parking. I found the city code for "EV Parking". I think it should read "EV Charging". I should redeem myself and get involved in city rule making!
I'm not for towing immediately. What about police leaving warning tickets for ? 6 months ? just to get the word out first, before the towing begins.

NORTON said:
So what do you do?

I live in EV paradise! http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/02/14/514517425/in-americas-heartland-a-power-company-leads-charge-for-electric-cars

Went out for a V-Day dinner to a nice restaurant in a part of town I don't go to much. Looked at Plugshare and there were 6 new L2's half a block away!
3 of the spots were ICE'd.
Do you leave a pre-printed Nasty-gram on their windshield?
I dropped the special lady friend at the restaurant and was alone, in the dark,,, so I raised the wiper blades on those offending cars. Am I setting myself up for an Ass Whoppin?

I'm still researching if the city has a tow rule for EV parking. I found the city code for "EV Parking". I think it should read "EV Charging". I should redeem myself and get involved in city rule making!
I'm not for towing immediately. What about police leaving warning tickets for ? 6 months ? just to get the word out first, before the towing begins.

I printed some business card size notes to leave on the windows of those offenders. On one side of the card is a portion of the California vehicle code CVC 22511 Section D which states "Unauthorized vehicles not connected for electrical charging purposes will be towed away at owner's expense".

At one shopping center I frequent, this message is on a sign posted directly in front of each EV Charging Parking space so it cannot be missed. However, some inconsiderate drivers park there anyway and it is not clear who will do the towing. Last I heard it is the responsibility of the company owning the charger - in my case EVgo. Good Luck!

On the other side I wrote "Please Be More Courteous! You are not charging your car and it is blocking an EV parking space and preventing access to the charging station".

I now do most of my charging at home but I do carry the cards in my spark EV should I need to enlighten an offending driver.

Awesome idea!
Only I'm still trying to find if there is such a law in my area.

I should have clarified that the parking slots were clearly marked with a big painted EV on the asphalt.
And this is a city-wide network. The parking lots can be private or public. And it is divided between two states and many suburban cities, but all networked with the power company and chargepoint.

Funny side story: While I was raising the wipers on the last car, an SUV started to pull in where I was standing. He may have seen my deeds... He moved and parked 20' away in a normal slot, poor baby.
As I was walking past him to the restaurant, he said something about "I've lived in that building 6 yrs and those things have only been there 6 mons and ..."
I kept walking and said "It's the clean energy future".
He said something else as I kept walking, I didn't hear it, but I said, "Don't you like the clean energy future?".
(I'm really surprised I wasn't 'Key'd' or had air in in my tires when I got back! )
I encountered one of Elon's cars parked in a charge slot recently.

Not plugged in...


Unfortunately, I left my keyring at home.


NORTON said:

Awesome idea!
Only I'm still trying to find if there is such a law in my area.

I should have clarified that the parking slots were clearly marked with a big painted EV on the asphalt.
And this is a city-wide network. The parking lots can be private or public. And it is divided between two states and many suburban cities, but all networked with the power company and chargepoint.

Funny side story: While I was raising the wipers on the last car, an SUV started to pull in where I was standing. He may have seen my deeds... He moved and parked 20' away in a normal slot, poor baby.
As I was walking past him to the restaurant, he said something about "I've lived in that building 6 yrs and those things have only been there 6 mons and ..."
I kept walking and said "It's the clean energy future".
He said something else as I kept walking, I didn't hear it, but I said, "Don't you like the clean energy future?".
(I'm really surprised I wasn't 'Key'd' or had air in in my tires when I got back! )
ALL of the EV charger parking spots to which I am referring have the parking spot clearly painted in GREEN for EV charging.
didget69 said:
I encountered one of Elon's cars parked in a charge slot recently.

Not plugged in...
Unfortunately, I left my keyring at home.
Oh man ! Don't tempt me!! $7.25 !! http://www.hrpworld.com/store/default/longacre-mini-valve-core-tool.html
You don't remove it, just a quick 10 second squat next to a wheel. Valve cover off - valve core loosened slightly - valve cover back on - stand up - walk away, whistling a happy tune !!!

In this guys elitist defense, maybe your town's regulations say "EV Parking" , like my behind the times town has it. Should be EV Charging.

Handicap parking violators are the worse. Ha Ha,, justice is mine ....
For reference: http://pluginsites.org/plug-in-vehicle-parking-legislation-reference/

Unfortunately for us in Oregon, all HB 2625 states is that the offending car and/or persons has committed a Class D Traffic violation, which is a ticket fine between $60 to $250. Better then nothing?
Just toss a grenade under the car and walk (well, actually, run) away, like in the movies...
Grenades gets you in serious trouble, I think a more appropriate response to 'Getting ICE'd' is they get BEV'd (Banana Exhaust Vengeance) a la Beverly Hills Cop
Kudos to Kansas for getting on the EV train! It's picking up speed! Hoping the Bolt, once it reaches Chevy dealers in all 50 states, will get customers to at least try driving one when they're browsing the ICE cars. As we all know, once you drive an EV, there's no going back.

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