hydrogen Source and re-fill

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TonyWilliams said:
Sesamecrunch said:
No, hydrogen would not be for me. I love my EV and solar panels on the roof.

My point is the more choice the better. Different users will decide on what's best for them.

The "choice" answer... well, people in most of the world choose oil. Without government intervention, that's likely the only choice we would have today.

Make no mistake; the hydrogen and battery electric car choices we have today are almost entirely due to government mandates. Not choices.

No point continuing this thread. You're clearly not interested in a discussion. You're just spewing knee-jerk, wise-ass comments.

I admire your passion for EV's and the energy you put into promoting the technology. But you would serve the movement so much better if you acted as an ambassador for it and not a lunatic fringe fanatic.
Sesamecrunch said:
No point continuing this thread. You're clearly not interested in a discussion. You're just spewing knee-jerk, wise-ass comments.

I admire your passion for EV's and the energy you put into promoting the technology. But you would serve the movement so much better if you acted as an ambassador for it and not a lunatic fringe fanatic.

More personal attacks... I got to hand it to the you and the several other low brow folks like you on this forum... at least you're consistent. Your post is reported for "Terms of Service".
TonyWilliams said:
Sesamecrunch said:
No point continuing this thread. You're clearly not interested in a discussion. You're just spewing knee-jerk, wise-ass comments.

I admire your passion for EV's and the energy you put into promoting the technology. But you would serve the movement so much better if you acted as an ambassador for it and not a lunatic fringe fanatic.

More personal attacks... I got to hand it to the you and the several other low brow folks like you on this forum... at least you're consistent. Your post is reported for "Terms of Service".
Tony, I'd think that your referring to people as 'low-brow' might also violate the terms of service as a personal attack. At least, it seems so to me. Whether it is or not, it's definitely not taking the high road.

Back on topic, those who are interested and don't follow MNL might wish to read "The Hydrogen Transition", a report published by the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis. Quoting my capsule review of it at MNL,

"Describes where we currently are, what steps will be needed to make the transition, projections of costs to do so, H2 and FCEVs prices and curves, comparisons with other AFV technology costs and timelines etc., how much money various states, countries and regions are spending to develop FCEVs and H2 infrastructure, etc." It's 56 pages, but lots of that are charts, graphs and tables.

We are past the point of kickstarting the technology and as such, government subsidies will wane or perhaps even disappear.

But frankly, the oil industry has been bolstered greatly by subsidies and freebies that are given to them under the guise of many things that should be called peoples' tax dollars and government aid to them. For one, the entire military industrial complex is built on the foundation of gathering resources...primarily oil. So there SO what if the EV industry gets subsidies...rightly so that it should.
gra said:
TonyWilliams said:
Sesamecrunch said:
No point continuing this thread. You're clearly not interested in a discussion. You're just spewing knee-jerk, wise-ass comments.

I admire your passion for EV's and the energy you put into promoting the technology. But you would serve the movement so much better if you acted as an ambassador for it and not a lunatic fringe fanatic.

More personal attacks... I got to hand it to the you and the several other low brow folks like you on this forum... at least you're consistent. Your post is reported for "Terms of Service".
Tony, I'd think that your referring to people as 'low-brow' might also violate the terms of service as a personal attack. At least, it seems so to me. Whether it is or not, it's definitely not taking the high road.

Actually, I think it describes things perfectly. We have a poster who, to my knowledge, I've never even interacted with previously who takes written license directed at me. Low brow does describe it quite well, actually.

And, frankly, I doubt an unmonitored forum will change on its own. My opinion of the "high road" is banning every poster who violates the terms of service. Then, I wouldn't have anything to even respond to.

I can tell you that in the EXTREMELY limited times this happens on forums I moderate, these types of folks are not a problem because you would never read their swill. Back and forth never happens.

It's a pleasant experience for all.

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