Spark EV sold out in San Diego and LA?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2015
I did a quick search through Chevy web site, and it lists no SparkEV available in 10 dealers or 250 miles from San Diego. Is it sold out? I read in forums that it's seller's market now, are they selling it much above MSRP (25K?)

I'm glad I got mine, but friends can't even find one anymore.
I know they are completely sold out in Oregon and northern California. Assume the same for southern california. New deals for june listed on chevy website show no more lease deals for spark ev. Chevy website was updated this morning.

As far as I know new production run is early june with delivery to USA in early july....

I have one on order but it is dependent on a availability of special lease pricing.... cannot do lease paperwork until auto is built and they have a VIN. So looks like it may not happen for me....

I'm looking at the Chevy web site now, they have a lease deal $139/39 months (Oregon and California), and a finance deal, 0% for 72 months plus $3500 back (Oregon). shows 43 Spark EVs available within 500 miles of Central Calif.

A local dealer has one that is not on

I cannot figure out how to even find a Spark EV on the Chevrolet website.