the problem with you dems is you promise all this wonderful free stuff to the country but u cant ever pay for it, so you borrow the difference.( 10 trillion on obamas watch). the reason u cant pay for it, is if u had to raise taxes to the level it would have to be to pay for pensions, medicare Medicaid obamacare foodstamps and disability.... there would be a REVOLT in the streets. taxes would be so high people would stop voting for the dems because they would c the true cost of government. what eventually happens is the debt gets so high that the interest rates shoot up and the city or country files bankruptcy. u bankrupted new York in the 70's too. your carnage is everywhere. lets not forget sacramento. one liberal cess pool after another.NORTON said:OKaaay.... So it all started 'after the civil war'..... Let me guess your theories on that subject.... Never mind..... :|evboy said:...... dems were the reason for segregation and fought to keep it until they saw it was on the way out and started the kkk after the civil war and have bankrupted Detroit Chicago Greece and Puerto rico with their policies......
Dang all this for a lousing, encouraging, 'Early Adopters' tax break just to get the EV ball rolling.......
We are so off topic,,,,, sorry.![]()
to trash libertarians because all we want is honest government and pay for everything with taxes or spending cuts and a sound currency actually backed by something shows your ignorance. also, we don't advocate no taxes. that's a myth. we don't want to tax work and job creation. u pay for government with a national sales tax, gas taxes and property taxes. those r enough to pay for all the basics.
gas taxes- pays for all infrastructure and those pesky traffic lights u spoke of.
property taxes- pays for the military, fbi, cia, federal court systems... all the depts. that protect your property from being taken over by a hostile country like china or north korea.
national sales tax- pays for the rest of the things.
that's how you get a zero corporate and and zero income tax.
I hope I enlightened you on the libertarian philosophy and how it would run. hopefully you don't think the dems and repubs way of running things and creating 20 trillion in debt and inflation out the ass is a better way than I just described